Anyone Else Getting Dumped ON Today?


snow snow snow snow.. i miss the snow... i rember when you could climb on the roof and jump into the snow.. course it was only like 3 feet down but still.. have not seen snow like that in years...... damn nj people taking all my snow.. lol:confused: :confused: :confused:



Originally posted by bigarn
UPDATE: 8 inches on the ground so far, with even heavier snow expected later tonight into the early morning. Also blizzard conditions at times with 50 mph gusts. State of emergency being declared..... no vehicles allowed on roads after 8 pm. :help:

State of emergency being declared..... no vehicles allowed on roads after 8 pm. :help:
Running out of Beer on a Saturday Night is an emergency...So I still can go to the liqour store even though it's now 8:30 :D


WE ended up with 13 inches just west of Milwaukee. The winds are the prob at 20-30 mph. Hopefully we have seen the worst of this for a while.


Active Member

Originally posted by fishking
good thing my mom bought us a really go snowblower,it even has handwarmers and a light:D

YOUR HIRED!!Be in mich at 8 am


Still snowing here in NJ. Abbout 14 inches with probably 2 more to go. This storm needs to wrap up quick...i ran out of buffer and need to go the the LFS to do a water change. :)


yeah ill have some pics here shortyl but some of the drifts are a good three feet of snow,.. some areas still have grass poking thru.. darn wind.. blowing probably around 30 knots or so.. :jumping:

bang guy


Originally posted by fatpuffer
i ran out of buffer and need to go the the LFS to do a water change. :)

Why do you need buffer to do a water change? :confused:


I use buffer to reset the pH of the new sea water I make at home and to also add trace minerals and detox the water. Actually, given todays weather conditions, I may have to settle on baking soda.


Active Member
It finally stopped here, Thank the Lord! But our local weather is saying more is comming in tonight and tomorrow. I don't know how much we have right now, I can tell you its a boat load. I have not been brave enough to venture out yet. When my doggies go out in the back yard, I can't see them when they are standing still.. Hopefully they will get us plowed out before we get anymore. Lisa

bang guy


Originally posted by fatpuffer
I use buffer to reset the pH of the new sea water I make at home and to also add trace minerals and detox the water. Actually, given todays weather conditions, I may have to settle on baking soda.

I know this is way off topic... sorry, but I think that's a really bad idea.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
I know this is way off topic... sorry, but I think that's a really bad idea.

Hey Bang-- We'll take your knowledge in any forum we can get it. :D
By the way.... it's over here... about 15 inches total, but cold and windy. :nervous:

bang guy


Originally posted by fatpuffer
why? Beth had recommended it in her disease forum.

Just my opinion I guess. I believe tank parameters shoud be maintained in the tank. Most salt mixes have too much as far as trace elements and adding carbonate to freshly mixed saltwater could cause a precipitation event in the mixing bucket. No a catastrophy but it means thet your water change could actually lower calcium and ALK.

bang guy


Originally posted by bigarn
By the way.... it's over here... about 15 inches total, but cold and windy. :nervous:

We've got sunshine here too. I have 3' of snow on the diving board, my snowfall meter.