anyone ever have shoulder surgery


Active Member
i just got home from surgery for a labrim tear 6 hrs ago and holy #$@^ the vikadin isnt even helping , any one ever have this done and were u in a lot of pain.


I've never had shoulder surgery, but I did get my nasal surgery. It hurt pretty bad too. I hope you get to feeling better soon.


I heard today this is a painful surgery, I was talking to someone that had it.
I broke my arm and shoulder this past Saturday (4 breaks), I am going to be checked on Tuesday to see if I need surgery.
My pain is minimal now, Saturday and Sunday hurt but today I feel pretty good. It is tough to type though ....


Active Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
I heard today this is a painful surgery, I was talking to someone that had it.
I broke my arm and shoulder this past Saturday (4 breaks), I am going to be checked on Tuesday to see if I need surgery.
My pain is minimal now, Saturday and Sunday hurt but today I feel pretty good. It is tough to type though ....
hopfully u dont need it hope everything goes well


Oh yea I have had a bone spur removed in my shoulder, any time they cut bone, there is no pain killer strong enough! The key to keeping pain minimal is to take your medicine before it starts to wear of, at least thats what my DR. told me and yea it worked to a point. They gave me Oxycodone, pretty strong stuff but it made me itch and my heart raced like the dickens. I got scared and called the hot line and they told me not to take it any more I was having a reaction, next day the Dr prescribed hydrocodone 10. That was much better. I've also had bunion surgery on both feet with screws put in my toes, that was sooo bad even worse than the shoulder sugery. The next couple of days it's going to be hell on earth, but it does subside, just don't bump it or try to lift anything, bless your heart I know what your going thru. I need shoulder surgery on my left one now too, same thing bone spur. hey if the medicine isn't working for you call your Dr, sometimes they will prescribe something else. Let us know how your doing!


Active Member
will do , my biggest fear was that my 2 year old son was going to want to jump on me , as soon as i got home he gave me a big hug and his favorite blanket lol,


ah, he knows you got a boo boo, very sweet. My 8 yr old who was 5 at the time cried, she thought they cut my arm off and put it back on. Then, this is very embarrassing, when she looked at it and saw the stitches She asked " mommy why did they put stitches up your nose too?" My husband was rolling!
Kids, ya gotta love em. Get well soon


Active Member
ReefFreak, I had the exact same thing happen to me about 2yrs ago. My joints were always loose; I was a gymnast when I was younger and fully luxated both shoulders at one time or another, so both of the joint capsules were stretched. One day I bumped into something the wrong way and the outer labrum of my left shoulder tore wide open and my arm was hanging out of the socket for a while. Surgery was the only way to repair it; physical therapy is great for strains and pulls, but it can't help with tearing.
And yes, shoulder surgery is some of the most painful. My surgeon was EXCELLENT and talked me through the whole thing beforehand so I didn't have any suprises. You should call your surgeon and have someone explain exactly what they did and what to expect from here on out. There will be a lot of popping and creaking when u start moving around, which won't be for 2weeks at LEAST, so don't be alarmed. Are you in a sling yet, or do you have to go back for a fitting?
The sling they'll give you should have a huge pillow underneath it, so your arm will be held slightly away from your body. It's a pain in the pooper, and your muscles will all atrophy by the time you're allowed to go to physical therapy, so you won't even be able to lift it up high enough to wash your armpit in the shower.
THE most important thin you can POSSIBLY do at this point is rest, eat right, and make sure you get a great physical therapy group.
It's aweful, but it's not th end of the world.
Good luck, man. I hope you feel better! :cheer:


Active Member
ty mimzy they did put me in that sling right away , this is day one after surgery and it hurts more today then it did yesterday?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
ty mimzy they did put me in that sling right away , this is day one after surgery and it hurts more today then it did yesterday?
Yah, today is bad b/c u don't have dilauded in your system any more
The first 3 days after surgery are the worst. You'll start feeling better after day three, more awake, more like you actually want to get up and move around. By all means get out of the house and go places, but take it easy. If you feel tired, go to sleep. Your body needs to heal; baby it.
Sometimes the pain meds they give you put you out for hours and hours at a time - DO NOT FORGET TO HYDRATE. If you feel sick to your stomach, eat something that will coat your stomach; pretzels or saltines. But you MUST drink. Have water by your bed and drink a whole cup every time you wake up. Being dehydrated will only make things worse.
Also, if you feel consistantly nauseous, call your doctor and have him give you a different pain killer. I was on vicodin after I had my wisdom teeth out and was more miserable ON the meds than I was with NO medication at all. It sucked, but I had a good heads up and asked for something different for my shoulder surgery.


Active Member
hello , ty for asking
right now im relly messed up , feeling great
the pain seemed to go down alittle todat


reefreak29, I hope you are feeling better and everyday is getting easier for you.
Today I feel lucky, I do not need surgery and they said it is healing pretty fast. They are surprised at how fast it is healing considering my age
Still trying to figure out if that was a compliment :thinking:
Take care


Active Member
so glad to hear you're getting better!! Take it slow, don't force movement. Have you been able to shower yet?
Did your doctor reccomend phsyical therapy at all?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
so glad to hear you're getting better!! Take it slow, don't force movement. Have you been able to shower yet?
Did your doctor reccomend phsyical therapy at all?
i was able to take a shower on monday , and i n 10 days i start 12 weeks of therapy :help:


Active Member
WOW!! Lucky you!!! Our insurance didn't cover that many sessions, I WISH I could have gone that long. Physical therapy is AWESOME, seriously.
Create a post closer to the time of therapy and I'll tell you what to expect then, I don't want to overload you. Don't be concerned about it right now, just concentrate on getting better


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
WOW!! Lucky you!!! Our insurance didn't cover that many sessions, I WISH I could have gone that long. Physical therapy is AWESOME, seriously.
Create a post closer to the time of therapy and I'll tell you what to expect then, I don't want to overload you. Don't be concerned about it right now, just concentrate on getting better

ok ty


New Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i just got home from surgery for a labrim tear 6 hrs ago and holy #$@^ the vikadin isnt even helping , any one ever have this done and were u in a lot of pain.
Hi, just wanted to say that you've passed the worst part (the injury and the surgery). Now you're on your way to recovery.
In April I tore my rotator cuff at work. In July I had arthroscopic surgery. repairing the tear, removing a bone spur and removing the end of another bone. I totally agree with you. The first three days post surgery are the worst...but you will get to feeling better pretty quickly. Just remember to do everything your surgeon says exactly and when you get to physical therapy...first of all find a therapist that you like or else you won't do your excercises or even go to your appointments.
Do your excercises religiously.

I'm 2 1/2 months and doing well.
Just one more note. It can take your shoulder up to a year to completely heal. Don't rush it, it has to last you the rest of your life.
Good luck