anyone for a cooler swap?


I saw this thing on "the other site" where someone purchases coolers and sends zoo frags to each other. It sounded really cool. Anyone interested in trying it? It's like a swap chain thing. The first person puts their frags in the cooler and sends it to the next person, who in turn puts frags in the cooler and sends it to the next person, and so-on and so-on. Sounded fun to me! :happy:


I am doing one on another site, except it is a thermos swap. cooler is kinda big to send one small zoo frag.
I would be interested in joining here too, if you get it going.
you might post something on the reef bb to look here for thermos trade.


If we get some more people, I think this would be fun. I just got some more zoos today too. Really pretty orange and yellows!


Active Member
Thats actually a cool idea.. and i'll do it as soon as I trust someone on here enough :p lol.


I'll start it if y'all want. But we'll need some ground rules. I saw on the "other" site they ask like, 5 zoos at least, no browns, at leasy something spanning a few inches....etc. What do you think? Send me your addresses and I'll send to the first person. Hopefully, We'll get a few more.


Speg, if you send me your e-mail, I'll send one to you first to start it out. That way you know you'll get something!


Active Member
To keep things honest around the trading I would like to have the phone number of the next person on the list. That way I can call before I mail so I know I have the right number... Sound good?


OK Guys! Looks Like we might have enough people now. E-mail me with your screen name, address and phone # and we'll get it going! my email is I'll send everyone an email as soon as I hear from you all with a list of who is sending to who. I'll send first. Let me know how many frags you all want to do, and what you may be looking for ie shrooms, zoos, ric etc, and what you have to trade and I'll try to match as best I can. Sound good?! :cheer: