anyone going to the inauguration?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
There is some real truth in that one...
I really don't think he can get a serious gun ban passed. Especially after the supreme court ruling last year. Assault or large caliber weapons are another story.
But I do think he'll try to pass legislation or congress will write some that he'll rubber stamp that will make gun ownership a pain in the butt. Ammo taxes, gun taxes, parts, or ammo stamping like what was discussed earlier. They do it to alcohol and tobacco already. Gun makers are next.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
World opinion! How do you judge a pres. on the constitution?????
Yes. I realize it is a novel concept, but I use the Constitution to judge how our politicians are doing their job.
Newsflash: The world hates us. They hated us during Clinton's presidency, during the last 8 years, and for the next 1000 years. Americans are responsible for liberating and providing freedoms for hundreds of millions of people. Every year we give billions in foreign aid. Our medical labs provide medicines that cure millions. Our military allows billions to sleep in peace at night.
Despite all of that, the world still hates us. Using world opinion to judge a presidency is akin to using a fox to guard a henhouse. In case you haven't noticed, the world wants the USA to be weak. They want
a weak president...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Besides I got 3 Akitas as my security, try to get past them. Or even onto my property.

They wear bullet proof vests? A gun with three bullets can take care of that problem real quick.I love ignorance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So you've never been to Iraq but know enough about it to come to the conclusion that we should never have been there. The topic doesn't come up because I bring it up, rather because many here continue to propagate lies regarding our involvement there.
You don't believe that history books and research can be trusted, yet apparently your father had an infallible and completely objective memory.
Reread that sentence. You managed to write one of the best paradoxical statements I've read in quite a while. History has shown you can't trust what is written about history?

Bionic, what's your end game here. Are you trying to argue Socialism has worked in the past but historians had covered it up? Are you subtly arguing that the Constitution and early papers written by the founding fathers are not accurate.
Please explain where I've gone wrong. You say you base your knowledge on life experience. I'd politely say even the most traveled and oldest person alive on this planet cannot hope to live long enough in enough places to get a grasp of what is going on in the world. If we only believe what we personally see and feel we're about to enter into a truly dark age.
journey, get off your high horse. You have this 'I'm above all you war haters' attitude everytime you post. You think we should kiss your rear because you're over there sucking our tax dollars out of our pockets. What exactly is your agenda in Iraq? Is this YOUR mark in history? "I went to Iraq and witnessed Democracy at its infancy." WHO CARES. I've told you time nd time again, the US isn't the savior of the world. It isn't our job to 'democratize' every nation on this planet. And please don't give me your "we're here fighting terroism" song and dance. That one's been dragged around WAY too long.
My father gave me first-hand accounts of WW2. From him shooting down Jap Zeros at Pearl Harbor, to his destroyer getting sunk by a Jap sub. The only experience you have about WW2 is what you read in books. Sorry, but the printed word isn't gospel. That's the point I'm trying to make.
Where do you get the Socialism statement? I never said that. I said YOU think Obama is going to change this country into a socialist state. I also never said the Constitution wasn't accurate. I stated that most what is written in the Constitution can be up for interpretation. It's was written with a cross between Old English and today's legal jargon. Some phrases can be intrepreted different depending on how you break the sentences down. Why do you think there's always arguments about what the Founding Fathers meant by the 2nd Amendment?
The problem with you is you have this tunnel vision about politics and world events. You rarely get the overall picture. You have this narrow focus on what you perceive Democracy is, and what is the 'perfect government'. When I say personal experiences, I mean how current events affect my personal life - my health, my welfare, my standard of living. You don't have to travel the world to gain this knowledge.
I was born when Eisenhower was president. Since that time, I've seen how each president has affected my personal life. When I was growing up, you didn't care about politics. All you cared about was when the next football game was, or whether your parents were going to get you that Schwinn Stingray with the Sissy Bar on the back. I remember seeing all the people cry when Kennedy was shot. I was still at the age that it didn't affect me personally, so I didn't comprehend the ramifications and the importance of the event. I vividly remember Johnson and Nixon, since that was the era of Vietnam. I was one of those college protestors for that war as well. Probably why I don't believe in the Iraq conflict. Too many similarities. You want to rail about a bad president? Try living through the Carter Years - 15% - 18% interest rates, the illustrious 'gas lines'... Yea, I'd take Dubya any day over Carter. I don't have to say what I think about Reagan and Clinton. You book experts can enlighten me on those presidencies. That's the main problem with knowing 'book facts'. You can read all the history books, regurgitate all the facts, and make yourself look like one smart political expert. But it doesn't change what happened in real life. I don't need to know what year, month, day, hour, minute, and second a specific event happened in history. I really don't care if it didn't affect me personally. Because all it is is history. And history is the past you have no way of changing now. The only people you impress by spewing historical facts is yourself, and the other 'book historians' who like to agree with you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Good there are RULES of war and interrogation for a reason. duh!
Tell me why the should the U.S. be immune to them?

Ever seen one of Al Qaeda's propaganda videos? Ever watched them behead someone who is still struggling to get away? Ever seen what terrorists did to the Israeli soldiers that are captured? How about the Pearl exocution video?
If you consider loud music and waterboarding off limits you really need to see what real torture is...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Is this YOUR mark in history? "I went to Iraq and witnessed Democracy at its infancy." WHO CARES. I've told you time nd time again, the US isn't the savior of the world. It isn't our job to 'democratize' every nation on this planet.
bionicarm, I have a question for you. Do you believe in the following statement? I mean truly believe.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
journey, get off your high horse. You have this 'I'm above all you war haters' attitude everytime you post. You think we should kiss your rear because you're over there sucking our tax dollars out of our pockets. What exactly is your agenda in Iraq? Is this YOUR mark in history? "I went to Iraq and witnessed Democracy at its infancy." WHO CARES. I've told you time nd time again, the US isn't the savior of the world. It isn't our job to 'democratize' every nation on this planet. And please don't give me your "we're here fighting terroism" song and dance. That one's been dragged around WAY too long.
My father gave me first-hand accounts of WW2. From him shooting down Jap Zeros at Pearl Harbor, to his destroyer getting sunk by a Jap sub. The only experience you have about WW2 is what you read in books. Sorry, but the printed word isn't gospel. That's the point I'm trying to make.
Where do you get the Socialism statement? I never said that. I said YOU think Obama is going to change this country into a socialist state. I also never said the Constitution wasn't accurate. I stated that most what is written in the Constitution can be up for interpretation. It's was written with a cross between Old English and today's legal jargon. Some phrases can be intrepreted different depending on how you break the sentences down. Why do you think there's always arguments about what the Founding Fathers meant by the 2nd Amendment?
The problem with you is you have this tunnel vision about politics and world events. You rarely get the overall picture. You have this narrow focus on what you perceive Democracy is, and what is the 'perfect government'. When I say personal experiences, I mean how current events affect my personal life - my health, my welfare, my standard of living. You don't have to travel the world to gain this knowledge.
I was born when Eisenhower was president. Since that time, I've seen how each president has affected my personal life. When I was growing up, you didn't care about politics. All you cared about was when the next football game was, or whether your parents were going to get you that Schwinn Stingray with the Sissy Bar on the back. I remember seeing all the people cry when Kennedy was shot. I was still at the age that it didn't affect me personally, so I didn't comprehend the ramifications and the importance of the event. I vividly remember Johnson and Nixon, since that was the era of Vietnam. I was one of those college protestors for that war as well. Probably why I don't believe in the Iraq conflict. Too many similarities. You want to rail about a bad president? Try living through the Carter Years - 15% - 18% interest rates, the illustrious 'gas lines'... Yea, I'd take Dubya any day over Carter. I don't have to say what I think about Reagan and Clinton. You book experts can enlighten me on those presidencies. That's the main problem with knowing 'book facts'. You can read all the history books, regurgitate all the facts, and make yourself look like one smart political expert. But it doesn't change what happened in real life. I don't need to know what year, month, day, hour, minute, and second a specific event happened in history. I really don't care if it didn't affect me personally. Because all it is is history. And history is the past you have no way of changing now. The only people you impress by spewing historical facts is yourself, and the other 'book historians' who like to agree with you.
I'm in Iraq to gain experience and make a difference. What is your agenda for sending your contractor employees into the Middle East? Once again, before you condemn my salary let's not forget you're making contractor money too
without every getting your passport stamped... So we can saddle up our high horses next to each other.
Your father shot down Zeros at Pearl Harbor? If that is the case I hope he was awarded several medals. The Imperial Squadrons lost 29 planes that day. Of those, only 9 were Zeros. 29 total.. including dogfights and ground fire, as well as the 90+ ships that fired back. The Arizona, claimed at least 4 of those.
You are not the only one here who has discussed WW2 with their relatives who fought in it, btw. I proudly have displayed a flag my Grandfather captured in a cave on Okinawa, for instance.
I'm not trying to impress anyone with my "book facts". I'm just trying to keep to truth somewhere in the mix.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I really don't think he can get a serious gun ban passed. Especially after the supreme court ruling last year. Assault or large caliber weapons are another story.
But I do think he'll try to pass legislation or congress will write some that he'll rubber stamp that will make gun ownership a pain in the butt. Ammo taxes, gun taxes, parts, or ammo stamping like what was discussed earlier. They do it to alcohol and tobacco already. Gun makers are next.
Got a news flash, I hope they go for an assault weapons ban. I think the SCOTUS takes it and throws it out. No compelling interest in banning a firearm simply because of the way it looks.
For you non gun folk it would be like the government banning a Corvette because it is too fast but allowing GM to build a Impalla that is just as fast but doesn't look as fast.
As far as banning large caliber guns why? When was the last time you heard of a 50 BMG being used for a crime? Hell, when was the last time you heard of a 50 causing an accidental death? There is no point to a ban.
I could see banning large capacity magazines, I wouldn't like it but it does make sense. Those allow a weapon to do something unique.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
They wear bullet proof vests? A gun with three bullets can take care of that problem real quick.I love ignorance.
3 clumps of hamburger full of poison or barbiturates will do it too. Dogs are way easy to get by when you expect them


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm in Iraq to gain experience and make a difference. What is your agenda for sending your contractor employees into the Middle East? Once again, before you condemn my salary let's not forget you're making contractor money too
without every getting your passport stamped... So we can saddle up our high horses next to each other.
Your father shot down Zeros at Pearl Harbor? If that is the case I hope he was awarded several medals. The Imperial Squadrons lost 29 planes that day. Of those, only 9 were Zeros. 29 total.. including dogfights and ground fire, as well as the 90+ ships that fired back. The Arizona, claimed at least 4 of those.
You are not the only one here who has discussed WW2 with their relatives who fought in it, btw. I proudly have displayed a flag my Grandfather captured in a cave on Okinawa, for instance.
I'm not trying to impress anyone with my "book facts". I'm just trying to keep to truth somewhere in the mix.
My uncle visited Europe with George S., Suddenly I feel smarter than everyone else


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm in Iraq to gain experience and make a difference. What is your agenda for sending your contractor employees into the Middle East? Once again, before you condemn my salary let's not forget you're making contractor money too
without every getting your passport stamped... So we can saddle up our high horses next to each other.
Your father shot down Zeros at Pearl Harbor? If that is the case I hope he was awarded several medals. The Imperial Squadrons lost 29 planes that day. Of those, only 9 were Zeros. 29 total.. including dogfights and ground fire, as well as the 90+ ships that fired back. The Arizona, claimed at least 4 of those.
You are not the only one here who has discussed WW2 with their relatives who fought in it, btw. I proudly have displayed a flag my Grandfather captured in a cave on Okinawa, for instance.
I'm not trying to impress anyone with my "book facts". I'm just trying to keep to truth somewhere in the mix.
My mother has all his medals proudly displayed on the wall in her apartment, thank you very much. And only you would come up with some useless numeric facts about Jap kills in Pearl. Exactly where did you get those numbers? Some fact book you found on the internet? Where did they get their facts? Did the Japanese Fleet Commander write it in his internet blog after all the planes came back?
That's how ridiculous it is when you spew facts. My father shot down two Japanese PLANES at Pearl. He wasn't checking whether they were zeros, bombers, kamakazi pilots or anything else when he almost got his head blown off. This just proves my point. YOU WEREN'T THERE. I doubt very seriously either side had a 100% accurate account of equipment lost in that attack. They didn't have fancy computers back then to log every single piece of equipment. They had boards with pictures of planes, and put big 'X's' on them if they didn't come back. Ever hear of a Japanese Kamakazi pilot? Are those included in your 29 total?

I've gone round and round with you about the contractors who work over there. Just doesn't seem to get through to your closed mind. If I wanted to go over there tomorrow I could. But I'm not that stupid. The only 'difference' you're making is how much cash gets lined into your pocket. That's your true agenda.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
My uncle visited Europe with George S., Suddenly I feel smarter than everyone else

Why don't you sit down with him sometime and get his account of the war, and what was like serving under someone like Patton. Bet you'd have a better understanding and appreciation for what he did over there, instead of hearing journey spew facts about how many Germans they crushed in their different offensives.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Ok, I will try it again.
bionicarm, I have a question for you. Do you believe in the following statement? I mean truly believe.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
... Ever hear of a Japanese Kamakazi pilot? Are those included in your 29 total?
I've gone round and round with you about the contractors who work over there. Just doesn't seem to get through to your closed mind. If I wanted to go over there tomorrow I could. But I'm not that stupid. The only 'difference' you're making is how much cash gets lined into your pocket. That's your true agenda.
Japan didn't use kamakazis until later in the War.
And again I point out, before you condemn any contractor for accepting tax money you should stop doing so yourself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
My mother has all his medals proudly displayed on the wall in her apartment, thank you very much. And only you would come up with some useless numeric facts about Jap kills in Pearl. Exactly where did you get those numbers? Some fact book you found on the internet? Where did they get their facts? Did the Japanese Fleet Commander write it in his internet blog after all the planes came back?
That's how ridiculous it is when you spew facts. My father shot down two Japanese PLANES at Pearl. He wasn't checking whether they were zeros, bombers, kamakazi pilots or anything else when he almost got his head blown off. This just proves my point. YOU WEREN'T THERE. I doubt very seriously either side had a 100% accurate account of equipment lost in that attack. They didn't have fancy computers back then to log every single piece of equipment. They had boards with pictures of planes, and put big 'X's' on them if they didn't come back. Ever hear of a Japanese Kamakazi pilot? Are those included in your 29 total?

I've gone round and round with you about the contractors who work over there. Just doesn't seem to get through to your closed mind. If I wanted to go over there tomorrow I could. But I'm not that stupid. The only 'difference' you're making is how much cash gets lined into your pocket. That's your true agenda.
Seriously, losing 29 planes is pretty easily verifyable. But what difference does it make if it was 29 planes or 28?
No wonder you don't want to validate history, you don't know anything about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Seriously, losing 29 planes is pretty easily verifyable. But what difference does it make if it was 29 planes or 28?
No wonder you don't want to validate history, you don't know anything about it.

Actually I do. I just don't sit around spewing useless facts trying to prove it. What happened at Pearl I know is true. My father was there to prove it. Can you say the same about some of the history claims you make? Journey thinks he can disprove it by rattling off stupid facts he read in a book. Unless you were physically there when it happened, you have no room to talk, or discredit ACTUAL ACCOUNTS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Actually I do. I just don't sit around spewing useless facts trying to prove it. What happened at Pearl I know is true. My father was there to prove it. Can you say the same about some of the history claims you make? Journey thinks he can disprove it by rattling off stupid facts he read in a book. Unless you were physically there when it happened, you have no room to talk, or discredit ACTUAL ACCOUNTS.
You weren't there either...
That's my point. You condemn me and others for knowing history and discredit our sources, then site a single man as your source. Your father may very well have shot down a couple of Japanese planes, but I'm gonna stick with my sources over a single eyewitness.
You say you know history, yet asked about Kamakazis at Pearl...
My points Bionic, are simply these;
1. History needs to be studied
2. Americans need to know our Nation's history better
3. Sources need to be verified


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Actually I do. I just don't sit around spewing useless facts trying to prove it. What happened at Pearl I know is true. My father was there to prove it. Can you say the same about some of the history claims you make? Journey thinks he can disprove it by rattling off stupid facts he read in a book. Unless you were physically there when it happened, you have no room to talk, or discredit ACTUAL ACCOUNTS.
lol wow, if you buy that argument you can choose to ignore anything that is inconvenient to your believes.
Ever investigated a car wreck.

Reminds me of the joke we'd tell in high school when we were trying to act like a 5 year old. We'd ask our geography teacher, have you ever been to *the country we were studying* she'd say no. Then we'd ask then how do you know it exists, then go round and round, with completely stupid 5 year old level questions. Basically saying what you just said. It is kind of really funny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Japan didn't use kamakazis until later in the War.
And again I point out, before you condemn any contractor for accepting tax money you should stop doing so yourself.
You're joking right? You are actually telling me the Japanese didn't purposely ram any of their planes into any of the targets at Pearl during the attack? You need to get you head out of those inaccurate books you read. They're clogging your mind with idiotic information.
My business has customers in both the private and government sectors. I charge my government contracts the same rates I charge the business down the street. I doubt very seriously the company you work for can claim the same. My rates are not inflated, nor am I taking advantage of the government system to make an extra buck. I have morals, unlike you.