anyone going to the inauguration?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
OH NO, call the kennesaw police somebody, there are people breaking the must have gun law

LOL no need to call the police everyone owns a gun.Except you probably.But from your posts,i think your probably to young to own one except maybe a Red Rider BB Gun.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
You still have failed to answer why the founding fathers are irrelevant.
B/C more and more of what our founding fathers wanted for this country and its citizens are being taken away without a fight. Not at the federal level but, at the state, county, and city levels.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
LOL no need to call the police everyone owns a gun.Except you probably.But from your posts,i think your probably to young to own one except maybe a Red Rider BB Gun.
I will never own a gun! That is one part of what is wrong with this county. Wonder why countries that ban the ownership of guns have such a low homicide rate.


The ONLY reason it is a law in kennesaw, was b/c of the civil war, if you read up a bit. It has nothing to do with anything these days, just as the 2nd amendment is no longer valid. It was created to help protect the country from invading armies(not just foreign either). Don't think thats gonna happen anytime soon, unless we continue to piss off China.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
I will never own a gun! That is one part of what is wrong with this county. Wonder why countries that ban the ownership of guns have such a low homicide rate.
Check your before and after crime rate in Kennesaw.Maybe you should also check what happened in Australia after they took Guns away. Get your facts straight sonny.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
The ONLY reason it is a law in kennesaw, was b/c of the civil war, if you read up a bit. It has nothing to do with anything these days, just as the 2nd amendment is no longer valid. It was created to help protect the country from invading armies(not just foreign either). Don't think thats gonna happen anytime soon, unless we continue to piss off China.
The law was enacted in 1982,again get your facts straight lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
I will never own a gun! That is one part of what is wrong with this county. Wonder why countries that ban the ownership of guns have such a low homicide rate.
Well there you have it, a totally uneducated comment. Where did you get that info from? Your ignorance is laughable!


Sonny??? What are you 70 something lmao
Well its the OLD ones like you that are scared of CHANGE. Welcome to the new world!
Check the crime rate when back in the 1800's??? please!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Sonny??? What are you 70 something lmao
Well its the OLD ones like you that are scared of CHANGE. Welcome to the new world!
Check the crime rate when back in the 1800's??? please!
No im only 41 yrs young and the only thing you probably know about change is that when your diaper stinks momma needs to CHANGE it for you.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
No im only 41 yrs young and the only thing you probably no about change is that when your diaper stinks momma needs to CHANGE it for you.

Aww poor baby, did I make you that mad to resort to name calling over the internet


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Good there are RULES of war and interrogation for a reason. duh!
Tell me why the should the U.S. be immune to them?
Show me where the rules of war limit interrogations to those listed in the Army manual.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
There is however NO DENYING that OBAMA will be banning certain firearms shortly!
Obama couldn't ban single ply toilet paper. Of course if you had a clue about how the government works you would already know that.