anyone got a clue (id please)


That thing is crazy looking........:scared: What do they do?? Are they good, bad,


Cirratulids are deposit feeders which gather food from the sea bottom by means of their palps. They are sluggish worms which bury themselves below the surface of sea bottoms leaving only their gills and palps visible. Some are free-living and inhabit tubes, while others are capable of burrowing through corals, shell or rock. Hence, they occur both in shallow water as well as deep sea. They inhabit mud flats or muddy areas between rocks. They are usually orange or bright red and are found among mussels and kelps. They are indirect deposit-feeders. They have no proboscis as their food are collected by their palps and carried to the prostomium.Only suitable sized particles are ingested while others are rejected at the mouth.



Originally posted by chris17
So its a good thing to have?? It doesnt sound too freindly.......

Just a filter/detritus feeder, I happen to have a ton of terribellid worms myself not so much the cirratulids, consider them part of the cleanup crew and part of a happy ecosystem.
Right Bang :yes: I know you can't resist a good ID thread :)
example of terribellid worm


Active Member
Do either of these worms have a tail that kind of curls at the end with a little paddle? I saw something with all of those tentacles the other day. It had the curly tail and was more of a white or clear color. My clown saw it right after I did and gave it a taste test. She didn't eat it, but it fell to the bottom and I haven't seen it since.

bang guy


Originally posted by Thomas712
Right Bang :yes: I know you can't resist a good ID thread :)

LOL. :yes:
You already spoke for me when you posted my picture :D


How are these worms different from Mausa Head worms? I see the madusa diving I didn't know they where in the hobby.
had someone not told me I would have hought his too was a madusa... maybe I'm being told wrong whilst diving too?