Anyone have a coralife needle-wheel skimmer?

Sorry for bring back this skimmer but I'll be getting the CSS125 and will be mount outside my sump. Base on what I read here, I need to modified the diffuser box with mad 2-7 pre-filter foam. I want to know, do I have to drill holes around the pvc where the pre-filter going to be covered...What size pvc am i going to get...Based on the pictures that saw from this forum, can i just get an L shape pvc aand connect a straight pvc going the to water with the pre-filter foam. The only adjusntment i need to do are red rings ( small one with red knob and the big red ring going around the collection cup..Does the collection cup have a draining fitting so when the collection cup is full, the dirty water will go to big bucket..If there no draining fitting, can drill a hole in collection cup...


New Member
can someone post a picture of the mag 7 filter. I want to do the mod but i am not sure what it looks like. I asked at the LFS but they didn't know what I was talking about either.
If you can also recommend where to get it also that would be great. Thanks.


do a search on the internet for mag 7 filter. it is the round on. it is just a piece of black "foam" kind of like the black stuff in the one that came with the skimmer, and it is round. i found it anywhere from 3.49-6.99. usually in a place that sells pond stuff. it has a piece of plastic in it that just slides out. slip the return from the skimmer out of the black box thing. and slip it into this instead. my tank has a black background and it just blends in and i can get it to show up in a picture. the black box just overflowed for me and was usless. this worked much bettter
Originally Posted by wright824
ok had this up an running for just about a month now. i put the mag 7 pre-filter on instead of that dumb box and it works very well. I have noticed the tank is much clearer. i do get some micro bubbles now and then but it ususally seems to coninside with something i had added and then they are gone. I am happy with it. and it seems the new fish i added are too!
how did you install the mag prefilter? did you do pvc mod?
I also want to let you know that i just got my CSS today and my question is, do have to have red knob to be fully open until it brakes in. How long is the process? After this process, do i need to adjust the red knob to half way open..


Originally Posted by sherwing2000
how did you install the mag prefilter? did you do pvc mod?
follow the instructions for the black box thing and just put the pre filter on instead. it just slips over the return hose. no mods needed. oh, just remove the piece of plastic in the mag filter. it is not needed


it took mine about 2 weeks to break in. i adjusted the water flow using the needlewheel control like it said in the instructions and then just played with actually both the needlewheel and flow control so it was not continually flowing and filling up the cup. it worked for me just fine