anyone have a Green Mandarin?


I have had a male Green Mandarin for about a year. The tank was set up for almost a year before I got him. I have 100# of live rocks and a HOB fuge. He is a beautiful fish. He eats all day long though so you will want to have a lot of live rock, a good pod population and a fuge of some sort. Mine does not eat anything but pods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
The pic of Farmboy's mandarin (in this thread) is a male I believe.
Believe it or not--that extra projection was not that long when we got the fish. The LFS guy thought it was female, also.
Thus we named it Mandy. Now, it looks more like Manny.



Active Member
The thing to remember about dragonets is that they are slow swimmers. Even if they do eat prepared foods (which they usually do not) they will likely starve in a typical reef tank as other fish will get the food before they can.
A constant supply of pods is a must imho. With that requirement I think many to most tanks should avoid these beautiful fish. Remember, for each one purchased many more are collected off the reefs. If you buy one and it dies you are propagating the collection of a fish that shouldn't be sold as often as it is...


Active Member
Yup, they are slow swimmers until they need to move. My god, when they have to (in times of flight), they are like lightening.
Bang Guy...that is awsome. Did the eggs rear successfully?

1st timer

If anyone is considering getting a Mandarin just keep this thought...
Most of these fish WILL NOT eat prepared foods and will ONLY eat copepods. If you still feel the need to puchase this species just do everything you can to provide enough copepods to ensure their survival.
In my case I think I was lucky that she survived and just to supplement my population I puchased some aquacultured pods and built pod piles inside the main tank and added a refuge.
My hope is that one day I will catch her dining on some flake or pellet...


Originally Posted by 1st timer
What type pellet have you tried? From what I have heard if one eats it another will follow...
She eats Formula One small pellets...and she'll eat the Formula Two small pellets that fall down on the sand as well

nm reef

Active Member
Just wanted to add a few pics of mine.....and I'd also warn that in general mandarians are very diet specific and can be difficult to keep long term as a result.



I completely second all the "No Prepared Foods" rules for the Mandarins. I was SO shocked when I saw him take the pellets from the sand. Then I watched, & he was eating the frozen food I was putting in that went to the bottom.
For anyone considering getting a mandarin, just assume that they will REFUSE to eat anything prepared, and that pods is ALL they will eat. Rarely will you find a mandarin who eats anything prepared. We just hit the jackpot & got super lucky. I doubt if I bought 10 more that I'd find one that would eat the way ours eats now.

bang guy

Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Bang Guy...that is awsome. Did the eggs rear successfully?
No, dang it. :mad: I've tried several times. 5 - 6 days until there's a mass die-off. They spawn one or twice a month but I don't capture the eggs anymore.

1st timer

Originally Posted by Bang Guy
No, dang it. :mad: I've tried several times. 5 - 6 days until there's a mass die-off. They spawn one or twice a month but I don't capture the eggs anymore.
I know its upsetting ,But have you ever tried making a section in your main tank for them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
No, dang it. :mad: I've tried several times. 5 - 6 days until there's a mass die-off. They spawn one or twice a month but I don't capture the eggs anymore.
I know how you feel... I have a pair of albino corydora catfish in one of my freshwater tanks that lay eggs all over the glass and plants, but not once have the eggs even hatched.
NM Reef, those pics are awsome (as are everyones'). Your psychedelic mandarin looks just like mine, although mine is female.

bang guy

Originally Posted by 1st timer
I know its upsetting ,But have you ever tried making a section in your main tank for them?
In what way? For the larvae or for the parents?

1st timer

Originally Posted by Bang Guy
In what way? For the larvae or for the parents?
For the larvae, i dont know if thats possible but you wouldnt have to worry about water conditions as they would be the same the parents are surviving in right? and no I dont have any experience,just a thought.

bang guy

It's a really good thought but I already have waterflow from the main tank through the larvae rearing tank. I think it's something with food.


New Member
Dont Mean To Disrupt The Subject,
Just Wanted To Put My 2 Cents In About Green Mandarin's,
I Have a 75G With About 80P Of LR. Its About 3 Years Old With Some Coral ( Forgive Me, I add Very Slowly BC Im Not A Super Rich Person lol) I Have 2 Mandarin (Pair) Both Do Eat Frozen Mysis Shrimp That Hits The Bottom. I Was Very Lucky Because I Got Them From A Friend Who Moved To An Apt And Could Not Afford The Tank Any Longer, I Have Had A Mandarin Before They Were Givin To Me And Believe Me I Was INFESTED With POD Life.... lol Anyways He Died After The Pod Population Got Wiped Out! I Knew Ahead Of Time About The Difficulty With Mandarin's, Just Thought That He Might Eventually Start Taking The Food I Gave To My Other Fish! Do NOT KID YOURSELF These Guys Will Starve Them Selfs To Death.
Now If You Can Get A Mandarin To Eat Prepaired Food Then Its Usually A Good Shot As Long As You Provide Sufficent Dark Holes, Caves And Dwellings.
I Guess The Point Im Trying To Make Is, If You Dont Have A MASSIVE Infestation Of Pods, DONT TRY IT (I Use The Word Infestation as another Way Of Saying A Good 30 - 60 per rock) ( PODS Are Also Not Bad For The System, A Very Good MAT. Crew)
I Will Point Out That If You Have A LFS That Provides Live Brine Shrimp, This Seems To Work 70 % Of the Time In Place Of PODS. Of Course Some Still Will Favor Pods Only, Its a 50/50 Game
Just Please Be Caring And Respectfull For This Very Beautifull Fish!