Anyone have Cleaner Shrimp and Coral Banded Shrimp


I have a coral banded shrimp and I went to get a couple cleaner shrimp and my book said the coral banded shrimp would kill the cleaner!!! Is this true? Does anyone have these two together?


Active Member
Coral banded shrimp are known to kill cleaner shrimp and other shrimp...
Shrimp on shrimp crime makes me sick.


Active Member
Cleaners + CBS =
Dead cleaners in my tank three times :mad:
I lost 2 cleaners in my tank, before I finally witnessed my CBS kill a third right before my eyes. I was wondering why they kept disappearing, until I finally saw him in action. Needless to say the CBS is no longer in my tank. I personally would not put a CBS in a tank with cleaners or most other shrimp. They are very aggresive and if they get a chance will take out most other types of shrimp. Again, I saw the CBS take out a cleaner right before my eyes, they're little devils in my book. Not beneficial like cleaners.

gold strip

Most CBs will hunt down other shrimp and kill them. Especially when the other shrimp are molting.
I have a 180 gal reef with half a dozen cleaners and a couple Fire shrimp in it but my Maroon Clown and my CB are in a 16gal in my office because I cant trust them in my main tank. The CB even goes after the Maroon every once in a while and the Maroon is over 4 inches! Mean suckers, both of them!


Active Member
I had a cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, camal shrimp, and coral banded shrimp all together in a 50 gallon, I guess you could call me a shrimpaholic. All of them are living together and have been for almost a year, except just recently my cleaner shrimp died. I really would not recommend a CBS because they chase fish away and chase sleaner shrimp away. My CBS even killed my two month old bamboo shark, who happened to just be sleeping next to him.


Active Member
I've had two CBS, fire shrimp, scarlet cleaners, and a few sexy shrimp in the same 36g tank with no aggression. Could just be because I had the dwarf CBS instead of the full sized kind. The yellows and blue's are dwarf and max out at about 2.5-3".


I have a cbs and a cleaner for over a year. The cleaner just stays out of the cbs's way. I like how the cbs thinks he is the king of the tank.

bang guy

Usually, once a Coral Banded matures it will eventually track down any Cleaner Shrimp during it's molt and eat it. It can take a couple of years for a Coral Banded to reach maturity.
In my opinion they are not compatible long term.


Active Member
i wanted to try it, but not worth the 25$ donation to my LFS. Mine is very well fed. He crawls around me zoos and rocks and finds amphiopods, and also i spot feed him some, but he still hunts the amphiopods, and it is this need for hunting thatmakes me worried.


Active Member
Although a cbs is not compatible with other shrimp... I still say get the cbs. They are a joy to watch with their 6 incredibly long tentacles and the attitude in which they carry themselves.
At the moment I have three saron shrimp in my 55 gallon with the cbs, and whenever they rarely cross paths, the cbs tries its hardest to catch the saron shrimp.


I have a huge coral banded shrimp and a large cleaner both have molted before and they kinda hang out together- no problems. The cleaner shrimp isnt cleaning these days but the fish keep trying to pull up for service and the shrimp ignores them


Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
I have a coral banded shrimp and I went to get a couple cleaner shrimp and my book said the coral banded shrimp would kill the cleaner!!! Is this true? Does anyone have these two together?

I'm holding 2 coral banded shrimps and 1 Cleaner. You not supposed to put 2 coral banded shrimps together because they will fight. but I added my second one right after my first sheded which shouls not cause a problem. All 3 of them are doing fine in my 80.


Active Member

Bang Guy
: Usually, once a Coral Banded matures it will eventually track down any Cleaner Shrimp during it's molt and eat it. It can take a couple of years for a Coral Banded to reach maturity.
Hey Bang Guy, nice point that sounds like what happened to my cleaner shrimp. Right after he molted he died.


CBS's are

. I had one that would catch my clowns by the tail & that ate a fire shrimp. He bullied the entire tank. I returned the CBS & now have two peppermints & a cleaner that eat out of & clean my hand. I will NEVER own another CBS.