anyone here a christian scientist??


Active Member
hey, just wondering if anyone on this site is a christian scientist? (not a scientist who is a christian, but the religious group)


Active Member
LoL, if I were you, I'd explain WHY you wanted to know - this looks like a really dubious post to people who don't know why you're asking.


People are wierd...
Every topic in this forum can be considered a dubious point.
Not a CS here though. Tom Cruise is though... Scientology.


Active Member
lol, sorry....well ok then, i'm asking because my group is doing a presentation on the christian scientist...and so we went to a service and i was left with questions, so just thought id see if anyone was.
and yea, tom cruise, haha, but he is a scientology guy, christian scientist is different.


You've never heard of The Christian Science Monitor?
I'm not going to get involved but I'll be watching anyway.


Beth that page just looks like a newspaper to me... I scanned it but didn't really read it.
Nope, never heard of it but since you say you'll be watching, I assume there is gonna be drama. I don't like drama, maybe it's less stress for me not to know, LOL...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm not going to get involved but I'll be watching anyway.

The only thing I guess I really don't get about the religion is letting a person die, when there is cure/fix........the gentleman accross the street just past away from a heart attack.
Simple enough.......he was sent to Peace Haven (CS hospise of sorts here in STL) and passed away. I don't have any ill will towards the religion just strange for situations like this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Beth that page just looks like a newspaper to me... I scanned it but didn't really read it.
Nope, never heard of it but since you say you'll be watching, I assume there is gonna be drama. I don't like drama, maybe it's less stress for me not to know, LOL...
yea, it is a paper, it is their paper they put out
i dont really understand the medicine thing either, opr a lot of other things for that matter, which is why i was hoping to be able to talk to someone, so i thought why not try thisplace where 4,000 come each day :joy:


Just so you know, I'm a simple Methodist boy. So was my father, and his father and his before him, Then we get into the Quaker history of my family.
NO christian scientist in my family that I know of. However it is controversial to say the least.
What does Christian Science Teach?
The following doctrines are referenced out of the primary Christian Science work,
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.
It is supposed to be a companion to the Bible.
Science and Health together with the Bible are called the Pastor of Christian Science.
God is infinite...and there is no other power or source, S&H, 471:18.
God is Universal Principle, S&H 331:18-19
God cannot indwell a person, S&H 336:19-20
God is the only intelligence in the universe, including man S&H 330:11-12
God is Mind, S&H 330:20-21; 469:13
God is the Father-Mother, S&H 331:30; 332:4
The Trinity is Life, Truth, and Love, S&H 331:26
Belief in the traditional doctrine of the Trinity is polytheism, S&H 256:9-11
Christ is the spiritual idea of sonship S&H 331:30-31
Jesus was not the Christ, S&H 333:3-15; 334:3
"Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared..." S&H 361:12-13
Jesus did not reflect the fullness of God, S&H 336:20-21
Jesus did not die, S&H 45:32-46:3
The Holy Spirit is divine science, S&H 331:31
There is no devil, S&H 469:13-17
There is no sin, S&H 447:24
Evil and good are not real, S&H, 330:25-27; 470:9-14
Matter, sin, and sickness are not real, but only illusions," S&H 335:7-15;
Life is not material or organic, "S&H, 83:21
The sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient to cleanse from sin, "S&H, 25:6.
True healings are the result of true belief, "S&H, 194:6"
Additionally, Christian Scientists prefer not to use doctors, medicine, or immunizations. Christian Science Practitioners are used to help people through the false reality of illness.
Proper prayer and training are employed to battle the "non-reality" of illness.
They have no ordinances like the Lord's Supper or baptism.
Church services are interspersed with Bible reading and readings from Science and Health.
Mary Baker Eddy is highly regarded as a revelator of God's word, almost equal to Jesus.


Active Member
thomas, you are very smart....
so i am assuming you know some about this, or just looked that up real quick.
the small service i went to tonight was more of a half service with testimonials....haha, it was the group of 5 of us that went, and then 2 others, the speaker...and another elderly guy. There was an prganist, but she, i guess wasnt affliated with the church...i dont know for sure.
up on the wall behind the pulpit, or whatever they may call it, were two passages, one of Jesus christ, sitting above a throne/chair that the speakerpreacher?) sat in, and then a passage by Mary Eddy above another throne/chair..both being same type, etc, same height...and so i kind of wondered if they looked at her as highly as Jesus...but anyways...they told their testimony of being healed, and i wondered about how exactly they become healed....if it is God actually healing them, or is God helping them realize there is nothing to be healed of...and so "it," the pain, goes away? and always they mentioned the cs practicioners...and how they study and study, and i wondered where they study?? do they have special schools, or do they go to a normal med school??
they also told us that they do not say "amen" after a prayer because they feel it is concluding it...and they feel your whole life should basically be a prayer, always in that state of was interesting to say the least, but they both were very very kind
the service part of it was readings from the KJV and the book by MAry Eddy, and three hyms in between
i didnt mind the service, just left with a lot of questions, and sice the group didnt seem to want to stay, i didnt ask...but ive emailed the "mother church"


I've had my own searches in life. I've had friends that have done their own searches in life, and one that pointed to this Christian Scientist way of looking at things..
To me this is just another way to look at things in a religious way. I've looked at it a bit, and as anything else in life I think that Jesus would laugh at us humans now days, having divided, categorized dissected, and filed religion in all its various sects or ways of looking at it. I can just hear Jesus say "You just don't get it do you?" "None of you are right".
Forget it. I won't go on. I've been staring at this screen to long with too many thoughts.
End of involvement.


Active Member
agreed Thomas....but for the sake of my project, i must dissect this religion so i don't fail :joy: i do not by any means intend to make this thread a debate on who is right or one should stray away if planning on making any argument to stir up debate, i'd just like more info on the religion because i do find it interesting...not to harrass or criticize


I thought the general idea was that prayer would heal you. Isn't that what Mary Eddy did? She would go to the homes of the sick and pray over them and they would be healed. wikipedia always helps me with these questions.

I don't know anybody that is Christian Scientist, but if it works for you

Good luck with your project.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Just so you know, I'm a simple Methodist boy. So was my father, and his father and his before him, Then we get into the Quaker history of my family.
NO christian scientist in my family that I know of. However it is controversial to say the least.
What does Christian Science Teach?
The following doctrines are referenced out of the primary Christian Science work,
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.
It is supposed to be a companion to the Bible.
Science and Health together with the Bible are called the Pastor of Christian Science.
God is infinite...and there is no other power or source, S&H, 471:18.
God is Universal Principle, S&H 331:18-19
God cannot indwell a person, S&H 336:19-20
God is the only intelligence in the universe, including man S&H 330:11-12
God is Mind, S&H 330:20-21; 469:13
God is the Father-Mother, S&H 331:30; 332:4
The Trinity is Life, Truth, and Love, S&H 331:26
Belief in the traditional doctrine of the Trinity is polytheism, S&H 256:9-11
Christ is the spiritual idea of sonship S&H 331:30-31
Jesus was not the Christ, S&H 333:3-15; 334:3
"Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared..." S&H 361:12-13
Jesus did not reflect the fullness of God, S&H 336:20-21
Jesus did not die, S&H 45:32-46:3
The Holy Spirit is divine science, S&H 331:31
There is no devil, S&H 469:13-17
There is no sin, S&H 447:24
Evil and good are not real, S&H, 330:25-27; 470:9-14
Matter, sin, and sickness are not real, but only illusions," S&H 335:7-15;
Life is not material or organic, "S&H, 83:21
The sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient to cleanse from sin, "S&H, 25:6.
True healings are the result of true belief, "S&H, 194:6"
Additionally, Christian Scientists prefer not to use doctors, medicine, or immunizations. Christian Science Practitioners are used to help people through the false reality of illness.
Proper prayer and training are employed to battle the "non-reality" of illness.
They have no ordinances like the Lord's Supper or baptism.
Church services are interspersed with Bible reading and readings from Science and Health.
Mary Baker Eddy is highly regarded as a revelator of God's word, almost equal to Jesus.
You call this not getting involved?

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Because it is a cult. Everything religious is a cult, its not such a bad word if you know the meaning. A cult does not have to be bad at all, if you belong to any religion then you belong to a cult.
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion