anyone here a christian scientist??


Active Member
I think all religions would fall under the true meaning of cult. But I am not sure the above poster meant it in that way.


I think many regard it as a "cult," because of the devotion to Eddy and her philosophies. The way I see it, some Christians believe God will heal them through prayer, some believe God gave humans the capability to heal through medicine. As long as you thank the right person, and realize where those gifts came from, it's not an issue


as for the whole medicine thing with christian science, my hubby is like that, only not fully. He made me swear to him that if he had to get any kind of transplant, and it was a life or death decision, i wouldn't let him get it. He doesn't want any other human's parts inside of him, he believes it's wrong. He will not donate his organs after he dies, because he says that when God resurrects everyone, he cannot be resurrected without all of his body parts.
He's ok with the use of medicine to help him, but he wouldn't see a doctor unless he's unconscious and i had to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital. He actually wants to die, because he is tired of living... he's SOOOOO weird!!!
He actually told me that if he needed a transplant, and i okayed it, he would divorce me, and then cut out the body part and mail it to me... blugh!!!


Active Member
I believe the #5 definition about it being a fad is the one that fits.
Without turning this into a theological debate, the evidence is in the Bible. Using it would preclude any other teaching.


Active Member
#3 definitely and #4 definition as well if I understand they concentrate on healing.
THank you Thomas.


Active Member
Isn't a fad something that "comes and goes" ? Hasn't CS been around for 100+ years?
Doesen't seem to been slowing or reducing in their number of believers. We have a very large CS elem/high school right down the street from us.......the just added on to it.
I don't think they believe their faith is a fad.
I don't think we can discount it because it is not what we believe. I was the first one to say I think its strange to let someone die when their is a simple fix. But its not my belief...but obviously many others.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
as for the whole medicine thing with christian science, my hubby is like that, only not fully. He made me swear to him that if he had to get any kind of transplant, and it was a life or death decision, i wouldn't let him get it. He doesn't want any other human's parts inside of him, he believes it's wrong. He will not donate his organs after he dies, because he says that when God resurrects everyone, he cannot be resurrected without all of his body parts.
Here's a different slant on resurrection that might make you and/or your husband view it differently. What if your body was blown to pieces (or to nothingness) by a bomb. Do you think that would make that person unable to be resurrected? If so, then the resurrection isn't an option for every person who believes in Jesus. And that is not what the Bible teaches. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't accept a transplanted organ, that's up to him.
I listen to Christian radio a lot and this resurrection topic comes up frequently from call-in's. The basic answer is that we are resurrected into our own perfect state. Our DNA contains the info for the makeup of our bodies and that is likely what will be used to ressurect our entire body.


yeah... well i tried to talk to him about this... "uhhh, you do know your body becomes dust when you die anyway... your organs will decompose, and you won't have them anyway, so why not give them to help another person?"
But he still insists it's unnatural to have another person's body parts, and he doesn't want to contribute that... I think Joe is very strange with his religious beliefs... actually, i don't think anyone in the world would agree with his entire religious belief........


i also tried "God will give you another heart, because you gave yours to save another human being, and that's what he wants" but he still says it's wrong... then i tried the "do unto others as you would want done unto you", and the "love your neighbor as yourself", but he said that he wouldn't want someone to do this for him, so he won't do it for someone else, and that he is loving his neighbor as himself in doing this... so i gave up... lol


Active Member
I can't understand this logically. If Mary Baker Eddy is in contradiction to the Bible(from Thomas' post), then why do they use the Bible. All theology aside, it doesn't make sense.
THis is rather different than another denomonation. It is counter to the Bible teaching. I am only going on what Thomas posted about them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
uhhh, you do know your body becomes dust when you die anyway...
Even better point that you made there, it's not like our organs stay in tact anyway. Sounds like you've got the right idea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
I can't understand this logically. If Mary Baker Eddy is in contradiction to the Bible(from Thomas' post), then why do they use the Bible. All theology aside, it doesn't make sense.
THis is rather different than another denomonation. It is counter to the Bible teaching. I am only going on what Thomas posted about them.
I concur. How can the word "Christian" even be in their name based on the post Thomas gave us?


Originally Posted by hagfish
Even better point that you made there, it's not like our organs stay in tact anyway. Sounds like you've got the right idea.
yeah, me and joe don't really talk about religion anymore... it makes me mad. He also says that women are not in tune with God like men are because we have stupid emotions that inhibit our ability to follow God's will... you know, sometimes i just want to kill him!!! Women are not the only gender with stupid emotions!!! (i do concur that some emotions are really stupid, but still... he's so sexist...)


Active Member
I would almost bet that your hubby would change his mind if he were diagnoised with a debilitating deadly disease and the answer-cure would/could be a transplant. Most diseases of this nature are very slow, painful deaths. I would hope he has this in writing if he feels this strongly, because if it were my hubby and I was in charge of his medical responsibilites if he were unable, I would opt for a transplant for him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
yeah, me and joe don't really talk about religion anymore... it makes me mad. He also says that women are not in tune with God like men are because we have stupid emotions that inhibit our ability to follow God's will... you know, sometimes i just want to kill him!!! Women are not the only gender with stupid emotions!!! (i do concur that some emotions are really stupid, but still... he's so sexist...)
Really, IME women tend to be closer to God than most of the men I know (I'm a man BTW). I think the emotional traits of most women provide fewer roadblocks to knowing God than those of most men.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
He also says that women are not in tune with God like men are.)

There is generally only one thing MOST (I say most....NOT ALL) men are in tune with..


yeah... you don't know joe... he's the most stubborn person i've ever met in my life... which causes major problems, because i'm the 2nd most stubborn person i've ever met in my life... He would not change his mind about this, because as i posted above, he cannot wait to die, so if he were diagnosed with a deadly disease, he would be like WEEEEHEEEW!!!... ugh, so weird!!!


Originally Posted by hagfish
Really, IME women tend to be closer to God than most of the men I know (I'm a man BTW). I think the emotional traits of most women provide fewer roadblocks to knowing God than those of most men.
ugh... why can't joe be more like you... i cannot stand his "you're a woman, you don't understand" crap!!!!!!
btw, thanks guys, this feels really good to vent!!!


Active Member
hopefully he would change his mind....especially if there were children involved. Kind of my feelings about people and suicide, I know their thoughts are clouded, but they are not the only person to consider.......