anyone here a christian scientist??



i understand his desire to die... he had a very bad childhood, and is not too happy with humanity. humanity in general is ignorant, selfish, and carefree... we depleat all of the world's resources, allow sports players and movie stars to make millions of dollars a year while there are people out there that are living on the streets and in gutters, we just don't care about eachother (i mean humanity as a whole). You know, there are good people in the world, but most people are so selfish, and i can't stand it either. But for me, the good outweighs the bad, so i like living.


Active Member
"He wants to die. . ."
A Pastor asks his congregation if they are ready to go to Heaven. Everyone says "Yeah!" except one older gentleman in the back. THe pastor asked him, "Brother, don't you want to go to Heaven?" THe old gentleman replied, "Oh, yes! I just thought you were getting a group together to go NOW!"


Active Member
hahahaha, you guys are hilarious.....way to break off here...but thats cool, i dont mind these convos as long as no one gets heated at each other.


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Originally Posted by hagfish
I concur. How can the word "Christian" even be in their name based on the post Thomas gave us?

I think they believe they are christians....and Mary Eddy's book is the basic translation of the bible....a commentary you could say....but they beleive that is the only thing right i would assume...not 100% sure. But either way, to us they may not seem what we may consider "christians" to be, but in their eyes they are doing what God wants and calls them to do...make sense??


Active Member
as far as your husband jd.....haha...what a cazy guy, i can understand him maybe not wanting to get a transplant and just wanting to end his life....because honestly like you said this world is full of selfish people that are all about themselves and money. And at times i think gosh what in the heck am i doing here still, if i died and went to heaven, i surely wouldnt have to put up with this crap anymore......
but the part i dont understand is donating his organs....obviously not everyone is so willing to die...and so if he were to dir, and was able to give his heart to a 30yr old or 24 or whatever, and could prolong that persons life for even a year...assuming the person receiving the heart would want to live.....what a difference it would make in that persons life, knowing someone gave them their heart so they could carry on their life....i dont know.


i know... that's why i'm an organ donor!!! I figure God won't punish me for it because there's nothing in the bible that says it's wrong, and i loved my neighbor more than myself!!! God rewards those good deeds...
What religion are you Bronco?
and yeah, i will be happy when i die, but i still want to live a long life!


Active Member
indeed, i am Mennonite actually, which is different than Amish, just so anyone starts to think so. I do however have tons of Amish relatives, as my dad used to be Amish
I also would like to live a nice long life, but i would always not like to have to deal with a lot of crap i see in this world....but time to suck it up and try to do something about it i guess


are mennonites christians? what do you guys believe (i find other religions very interesting...)


Active Member
hahahaha...yea, mennonites are christian...we believe like the avg christian, jesus died and rose again, trinity, salvation through jesus, etcetc...pacifists...anything specific you want to know?


hmmmm... what's your take on mary? did she die a virgin? did she ascend into heaven body and all?
Do you go to mass weekly? do you take communion? You don't believe it's actually jesus, right? That's only catholics, i think...


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haha, questions questions questions....
as far as mary...i have no clue if she dieddd a virgin..i believed she gave birth to a baby being a virgin...but dont know what happened between her and joseph afterwards....thinking....hmmm, nothing at this point..
ascending into heaven..guess i have no clue on that.
Mary is not the focal point in our religion likes other may point to more often.
we go to church every sunday, have our sunday school,sermon,singing,etc....we take communion twice a year....Jesus is not actually in the blood and bread, just symbols....we do believers baptism...we do foot washing...we don't have confession rooms like catholics or anything


hmmm... interesting. See, the catholic church believe she ascended as a virgin, but i don't know... she's not the focal point of our religion either, but i guess she is moreso than most others...
catholics do the confession rooms, but i don't... i don't think it's right to share my sins with another person, that's b/t me and God...
and foot washing... that's interesting... what's that all about?


Active Member
i dont think its wrong for someone to 'confess' ones sins to anothe...depending on why you are doing it....i think it is important as a congregation to support one another, but i dont think that can happen without being able to confess to one another the problems one is facing....know what i mean?
foot washing is from Jesus washing his disciples feet, it gives the attitude of servanthood as well...i think we do it during church, not sure anymore as i am in college and dont go to a mennonite church here...and there will be big tin buckets in teh church, and you basically pair up with another person of the same ---(dont know why, prolly so one focuses more maybe) and then go and wash the other person feet, dry em, and then switch....and when we say wash, not actually scrub with soap....but more over just wash their feet with water.


well, the catholic church says you have to confess your sins to a priest, then the priest conveys this to God, and God forgives you, then the priest tells you what to do so you can be forgiven (ie, say 2 rosaries, or 2 our fathers and a hail mary, etc...)
I think that's the biggest load of crap! Why can't i just talk right to God and be forgiven.
and i like the foot washing thing, only i don't like feet... :scared:


Active Member
since washing someones feet in the olden days was for servants and lower status people...when Jesus went to wash teh disciples feet, they were of course shocked...and so it shows that we are servants, that no one is above another, etc


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oops, that was supposed to go before your response,lol
well i dont agree either that you should have to confess to a certain person so they can speak to God on your behalf so God will forgive you....i just feel it is important to confess to others for the sake of support and being able to be built up by those people around you