Anyone kept a bunch of dwarf angels together in the same tank?


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about a powder brown and a darf angel fighting. I've done two dwarfs but that is as far as I'd push it. If you've got 3 going now with no problems don't double down. Be happy with what you've got and get colors a different way.


All I want to know is why are you even willing to take that risk if you know it is a huge risk. You are just setting yourself up for failure and possibly a lot of dead fish with a lot of lost money. I don't know why people try things that they know will not work. It is not fair to the animals that you purchased. By purchasing them you are taking responsiblity for them and you are not acting responsible. Would you drop your kids off in the ghetto and say well I don't think they will make it out, but lets just give it a try anyway to watch and see what happens. I think you should try something that you know will work. Good luck.


Active Member
I'm one of the tanks with a CB and a Flame, but I wouldn't recommend introducing them at different times. 5 is also not good idea. My 2 are in a 125G. Also, the CB is the larger one by a little bit.


Active Member
I have to agree with the others on the post. You got very lucky getting these all to get along together in the first place. There are tons of other colorful fish that you could put into your tank to get color. I also love angels but I would not risk an animal's life or waste my money like this.


Active Member
see.. you just have to stack the sizes with less aggressive dwarfs having a larger size than more aggressive species.
All right fine... I'll just do the bicolor and coral beauty, they got along FINE. I'm gonna sell the singapore because it just looks like a drab bicolor at this point even though its the best looking singapore ever.
My stocking list is going to be as follows:
bicolor angel
coral beauty angel
powder brown tang
yellow belly blue hippo
desjardini(sp?) red sea sailfin (undecided)
red sea regal angel
aussie red harley
Will a mystery wrasse cohabitate with a harley???
And other suggestions for stock would be nice too, but the above are MUST haves or already haves lol.


New Member
my question to rotarymagic; why so many angels? is it because of the colors? your luck in temporary having so many angels, thou they may be getting along now, as they mature some will be killed. its just a matter of time. if you're wanting an arrangement of colors that can be done with different species that do get along.