Anyone know anything about handcuffs?


Well-Known Member
Handcuffs are surprisingly easy to open, and yes, the $10.00 key will probably do the trick. There was a spike man rules thing about that a few years ago IIRC......
Meowzer, WHAT have you been doing......? nevermind.


Active Member
Yes that key should work. When I was in LE, there were only three types of cuffs in use, the standard which is what you have, a higher security model that had a smaller diameter key bore with a hook on the end and the High security cuff that used on death row. Handcuffs are very easy to open. If you have an old style pen with the metal tube, just split the tube down on the end a tiny bit and fold it out. It will work just fine. Now if you are going to handcuff someone to the bedpost, get a real key as you don't want to have something homemade break off and not be able to remove them.