Anyone know much about anthias?


Active Member
I havent really ever had problems with anthias at all even though I havent tried the truly difficult ones to keep (nor should I or most anybody else). dont find them to be particularly succeptable to ich or disease what so ever (and cleaner shrimp will do most nothing for ich). My experience has been complete success following these rules: 1. get more than one 2. have them not picked on by other fish 3. high flow and decent water quality 4. at least daily feeding (twice IF your tank can handle it without degrading). Had 4 lyretails before now a pair of ignitus and have never lost one. the lyretails displayed occasional aggression towards each other while the ignitus I have now tolerate each other completely.
current ignitus pair (these are simular to dispar and a little less hardy than lyretails and bartlett's)

old quad of lyretails


Active Member
I hope you do meowzer. They really are such a huge part of my tank now that I have them, I couldn't imagine my reef without that bright pink and orange pop. They are so active too which is another great thing to have in a reef.


Picked up my fish yesterday! Got 4 Bartlett's anthias and the purple tang! They are all so beautiful! The anthias are all pretty much hiding right now except for at feeding time, and the tang's being pretty shy right now also...and he's trying to work his way in with my sailfin tang and yellow tang, but all is looking good so far. Knock on wood!


Originally Posted by rlablan
Are you gonna have an issue with the yellow tang and the purple tang being the same body shape?
I was just thinking the same thing. Three Zebrasoma species as asking for aggression sooner or later. My Sailfin is boss, I can't imagine having two more of them in the tank.


They've been doing a bit of a dance, but nothing big so far. Definitely gonna keep a close watch though!


Originally Posted by Mell
They've been doing a bit of a dance, but nothing big so far. Definitely gonna keep a close watch though!
Defintely keep an eye on that. My sail fin does this to my Naso all the time. She actually just ripped the eye out of my Dragon Goby (bullet banded sleeper goby) about two weeks ago because he went in her cave, poor little guy. They can get really mean.


Holy crap! Poor little guy. Amazingly, the sailfin is the boss between him and the yellow tang, but the yellow tang seems to be the boss between him and the purple tang...the sailfin doesn't really seem to care about the purple tang anymore. I'll try to get some pics today.