Anyone know what this is?


powder blue tang is the only one in the tank with this. I thought it might b HLLE but I am not convinced. he has had it for a while and seems to be eating fine and is not being picked on.


Looks like it but "I'm not positive either" I'd wait until more chime in!
What are you feeding?........... any vitamins?.........


thanka bunch for the link. I am not 100% sure it is HLLE. He does not have the line, just the head part. HLLE is impossible to cure....I've heard, so I am hoping for a different opinion.


I would address this question to beth I know vitamin C and Zoe helps also. I would soak nori with these,also I believe formula 2,spirulina "grounding plug" and keep up water quality.
I would repost again to beth :) Wish I could help more.
Take care


How long has the fish been like that? That photo is not altered in any way? HLLE is most certainly NOT impossible to treat.
How long have you had this fish? Please post your exact water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, SG, and temp. What sized tank is this? What is his diet? What other fish are in with him?


Im sorry but it appears to me HLLE to me.. There have been a lot of people who have reported HLLE getting better by using vitamins and a grouding probe... Did you buy the fish like this or did this start happening after you got him and how long have you had him?


HLLE is definitely curable...I know cause my tangs HAD it...What I did was feed formula 2 frozen cubes...I soak them in selcon, zoe, and zoecon 3x a week, and garlic the other days. I also took carbon out of my tank, and added a grounding probe.
My fish are now HLLE free


sorry for my delayed response - crazy weekend.
that photo is not altered in anyway that is for real.
Nitrite 0
Nitrate .5
Amonia 0
sal - 1.025
I have a grounding probe/UV sterilizer/Skimmer
this tank is 6 years old
I have a powder blue - obviously (I've had him for a year)
lemon peel angel
sixline wrasse
3 damsels
Maroon clown - 5 years old.
1 cleaner shrimp
turbo snails
red leg hermits
lots of live rock but this is really a fish only tank
Hesitant to add anyone else b/c I don't want to hurt any fish
I feed nori soaked in selcon, vitamin c(chempure) garlic extreme
also emerald entree, mysis, spirulina brine sheimp