anyone know where you can buy a sea turtle?


why would u want a sea turtle. they need really big tanksand lotsa space. they grow really big and their life span is more 100 yrs. you wont be able to keep one in a lifetime. IMO let it swim peacefully in the ocean, where it belongs


Active Member
so im doing research online....these animals are endangered...bum's me out

...poor things...i wish they were everywhere so i could have one....
hopefully there population will grow so i can have one someday! :)


There has only been one place on the planet so far that they have recovered at all. Even with recovery efforts it is not expected that they will be in existance in 100 years unless an entire worldwide effort is made to curb their hunting and use responsible fishing methods, something the Asian pirate butcher fleets will never do. There are still places in supposed civilized countries like Egypt which sell the meat in small amounts in the open markets. In Madagascar to this day they still have markets which keep live turtles tied up and butcher them as customers come by and order. So dont plan on having a pet sea turtle any point in our lifetime. Besides the tank would have to be very large, even for a small turtle, filtration would be horrendous, and you would be paying out the butt for medications and anti-biotics. Seaturtle hatchlings have very weak immune systems. Forget about keeping leatherbacks as well, while they have figured out how to do it, it would not look very good in a tank. They do not understand the concept of walls so a special leash system was devised by scientists studying them. Food would be very expensive and annoying to mix and feed.


instead of a sea turtle how about a red eared slider turtle. I have one and it's really easy to care for


I have no idea how to respond to this . . . a pet freaking sea turtle? Why not get a few seals and otters to go with it?
To quote a popular movie: "Idiot!"


Active Member
There is a place near me that has sea turtles. heck they even have otters,
ITS CALLED A ZOO, geez :rolleyes:
you have a better chance of getting the permits and meeting the requirments to own a lion then you do a sea turtle


Much better actually chances actually. Especially considering when even getting caught with one on your boat has something like a $20,000 fine and confication of your boat and then some jail time possibly unless you have a really good reason for having it on your boat such as cutting a fishing net off it and even then DNR will still grumble about you not calling them first.


Active Member
Must have missed the "turtle soup" comment.
I'd hate to know what else is shoved in that tank
What a great attitude. Thankfully, there are hefty fines for even killing one.


AAAHHHH, felonies mentioned on a thread.
All Sea Turtles are endangered, and they are just as illegal to keep as a Bald Eagle. Jail, fines, confiscations, etc.
My place of employment has some. But we are one of the only LEGAL rescue/recovery programs in the country. We just had 2 Kemps Ridley Turtles flown in from Boston, on their own private charter. Yes, these guys are so endangered they received a $6,000 airplane ride in hopes of their recovery.
PS- If you find someone willing to sell you one, please introduce me, I would love to meet him.


Originally Posted by Jer4916
yeah, but i figure keep it for like 10 years, then have turtle soup.
I hope thats a joke, if it is, it was funny, if not, you should secede to Canada


Active Member
We had some where I once worked as well. Some are mighty nasty beasts IME. We had one that had to be removed every time we went in the tank. Would make a bee-line for a diver and start chomping, and you do not want to be bitten by one of those things. No sirreeee. Thankfully it has been released


Active Member
in reguards to the comment, yes it was a joke, i did not know they were endangered untill i was reading online to find one as a pet. in reguards to whats in my tank. ... in my 125 i only have a lion, a trigger and a tang and a cuople angels....
if you cant handle a joke....then boo hoo.
im sure you eat " cows " and " pigs "
whats the big deal about a turtle?
not like i was serious...geez


Active Member
There are a lot of people who don't know enough to joke about it. An emoticon helps, otherwise many will just think you are an irresponsible jerk
Glad to know you aren't.


Active Member
im not a jerk,...i just really REALLY wanted a baby turtle in my reef.... are there other types of turtles that live in the ocean?


Active Member
hum.... i with 4916... gezzz he just wanted a turtle .... mang u guys get all mad over something that was ment as a innocent question.. i mean... yeah they are going extinct.. heck lots of thing are going extict.. dont mean u cant have 1.. i dont recamend it but...... anyhow.. u guys are hollering at him like he actually did something wrong!!! heck mad it if u guys never had bad intetions even tho u know it's wrong ( like for u guyz!! always eyeing girl like they are i dint know what ... u know u what to bring thm home.. heck i do that all the time...) not to mention your probaly already taken....