Anyone in the albany/troy,ny area, willing to ship or meet in person, I am looking for some star polyps or zoo's or something that'll do well under PC lighting...
willing to pay 10-15 cash as I have nothing to trade....
I have nothing to TRADE..... so I am offering CASH....... unless your willing to part with them free which I know no one here is.... So I am offereing cash...
Those willing can contact me to work out something.....
KrazyK I'm in the Capital District Marine Aquarist's Society club (CDMAS) you can join if you want it doesn't cost anything. We are always trading frags are just sharing. Check us out you can email me if you'd like more info on anything
hey man whats up i live in brunswick i only have a nano right now but i have some nice leather frags and pulsing zenia let me know if you find anyone else that has frags or wants some. right now im at college but ill be home tues. its nice to see someone from upstate on here do you go to eddies or union? heres a pic of the mother leather
Thats nice !
I go to union and eddies, just checked out healthy pet in north greenbush the other day...
I could go for a frag of pulsing xenia =0)
what are you using for light?