anyone tired of it


Active Member
my family is so sick of hearing about my tank and what my fish did or what coral got smaller or grew etc
everytime i go to the fish store with them(i dont like to drive to i dont have a lic. ((im 17)) they give me the spill "we are not going to spend all day in here, get in get out or im leaving you"
is there anyone tired of your tank and you jaber about the latest fish product or what you say at the fish store
thasns baby b


Active Member
My girlfriend everytime I start talking about it or anything physics related (I'm a nerd) just starts looking at the sky trying to be nice about it...
...the only reply I get is an, ohh, it looks pretty =)...
I woulda punched me by now if I wasn't me =P.


Active Member
My family and friends live 15oo miles from us, and I am sure I bore them still with emails phone calls, about my tank. I am lucky that my hubby is also into the tank, so I do have someone to share my mania with :cheer:


Active Member
my kids hate my tank. my daughter had no interest in it when she lived at home now she is gone and she got a tank

sea horse

:happyfish I bore my family to death all the time! Wether it's talking about horses or fish tanks! Poor them. My mom is a little interessted in the fish tank.(she buys my fish!) But some times I talk about it too much for even her!


My husband works out of town during the week and comes home on the weekends. I talk to him everyday on the cell and I try..
I REALLY try not to go on about my tanks but you know there is always something new and exciting, to me anyway
. I do my water changes on Friday before he gets home so i can spend more time but I sometimes sneek off to the LFS but I'll only be gone a minute. YEAH RIGHT


Don't feel bad everyone I'm in the same boat.
My mom just says yeah, oh ok, well that's nice.
My girlfriend like the tank but she gets tired of hearing about it and gives me the look.
My kids love it, so I do have 4 people that love it as much as I do.


I set up my tank for myself. I sit in front of it and enjoy it. I don't bore people with the details unless someone comes over and goes nuts over it and wants to know how much, how long, etc.
When I first got into the hobby, I met this young couple (I was young too at the time, *sigh*) who were also into fish. They'd come over, and they'd talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk about fish until I was ready to throw them out of my house.
I learned from that never to bore people with my own interests. Likewise I don't put up with other peoples droning either.


Active Member
I do like Mystic does. I only talk about it a lot when asked. I will talk about new additions and tank happenings to those that enjoy talking about saltwater life but I try not to overdo it. Most of the time I am here talking to you guys!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mystic7
I set up my tank for myself. I sit in front of it and enjoy it. I don't bore people with the details unless someone comes over and goes nuts over it and wants to know how much, how long, etc.
When I first got into the hobby, I met this young couple (I was young too at the time, *sigh*) who were also into fish. They'd come over, and they'd talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk about fish until I was ready to throw them out of my house.
I learned from that never to bore people with my own interests. Likewise I don't put up with other peoples droning either.
This is a great practice to get in the habbit of doing. Real easy to bore people about "your/ our" hobby.
1) I only share bits and pieces of anything new with my wife and I limit that as well.
2) I never bring the tank up around people, unless they share the same interest.
3) If asked, I will share but keep it in check so as not to bore them.
4) I remind myself this is my hobby and people are not as excited as I am.
Works pretty nice. The last time some neighbors wanted to see the tank, they asked so many questions, felt like I worked as Sea World.


I know I'm addicted and probably very annoying to my wife. That's all about to change, however. I'm upgrading to a 90 SPS tank and giving her my 29 to start a freshwater planted tank. :jumping: If my evil scheme works she'll either get into it and talk with me or at the very least I'll have more time for my tank.


JesseCNC, giving your wife a tank of her own just might work. I know it did for me. I use to bore my husband to death talking about my tanks. After some of his friends started asking about my tank, he kind of took an interest in them just so could talk about them when they asked questions. I set up a 29g saltwater tank with a pair of tomato clowns and a anemone for him. Now everyday when I come home, he is always telling me about what his fish, snails, or hermits did today. Or when the bta occassionally close, he will say that the anemone got tired of the clowns and went to sleep. Sometimes I have to remind him that there are 8 other tanks in the house.


LOL, I actually had a conversation with my GF about this last week. I try not to talk about it overly much with her but usually can't help myself. I don't really talk about it much with anyone else tho. i think my GF and daughter actually now hate the pet store...
I love to go and see everything at least once a week and man when I ask if they want to go they
But they do like my tank so that's good, they love the fish.

What can I say, i'm addicted to it!


i finally found a place where i fit in! I bored my family so much with my fish they just don't pay any attention to me, the good thing is i got my brother started on saltwater fish and a couple of other people. So i dont care that i bore them they buy half of my fish, i have to drag them to the LFS and my birthday's 2mmorow so my parents are buy me a fish 2mmorow!


Active Member
Thank God both my husband and myself are very into this hobby , so we talk to each other about it constansly.The kids like it too but not as much as us.We dont really talk to other people about our tanks cause we have each other for that :joy:


Active Member
my parents hate taking me to the fish store..i have a license..a learners. so they still have to go with me


Active Member
I hope my kids will stay in this hobby after they get older.It is a good hobby and it keeps you off the street.I'm sure your parents would rather see you send 2 hours at the LfS instead of hanging out on the street corner


Active Member
My fiancee loves my fish tank. She loves looking at it with me as well. She is always full of questions, and she enjoys going to LFS' and aqauriums with me as well. This summer, we are planning a trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. This past January, I took her to Atlantis in the Bahamas and she loved all the marine life and tanks there. We spent hours down there looking at fish tanks and lagoons.
My dad is also very into my fish tank. Everytime he comes over, he stares at my tank with me for quite a long time. He knows almost as much about the tank as me because he is so interested in it. If I am ever out of town or on vacation, he could take care of the tank nearly as well as I could.
They are really the only people that I talk to about my tank though, unless others ask. When we have family parties here, everyone is always full of questions. I always let them ask me though. I never bring it up because I would never want to bother or bore anyone with my tank.