Anyone Want A False Perc. Clown

agent 14

I want to breed my two true perc. but cant because they dont feel safe wit the false perc in the tank....No one will take it.....its in good shape:yes:

bang guy

If you want to ship it here I'll provide it a good home. I really don't need another (I have hundreds :D ) but I'm willing to take care of it.


I was gonna buy another anyway so i will take it if u want to ship it overnight to Springfield, IL. Think it will take to an rbta or a condy?


Active Member
Reccomendations............................ Bang Guy
Reason: Not because he's a shark but because u've heard more about his tanks and success, the others they all seem pretty new and although that doesn't say anything, it's just that you havn't heard much of there success.


Active Member
wocka and clowny123, I hope you aren't intending to put the ocellaris with your other 2 clowns. 3 clowns in the tank will fight and seriously hurt or kill each other.


no im not i have another 75 gallon tank with nothing in it right now that is what i was going to put him in and get him another partner:jumping: :jumping: