Anyone who has Sucessfully kept Tangs!!


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oh also im am runnign a 45 gallon sump and a 55 gallon fuge, its a 400+ gallon total setup
i have a mag 24 powering it all(very powerfull pump) but i can only return 1200 gph because thats all my tank will drain


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they are 3 yellow tangs, powder blue and a naso in a 125 with about 175 lbs of rock. the tank has been set up for about a month now but with the live rock ive had for alomst 2yeears now. and used all the water out of my 90 so it was like i did a big water change, never had a cycle or anything all my small fish do fine but its just the tangs. it started with the pbt then went to the yellows the yellows had like 1 or 2 spots but the pbt had alot. they all eat fine except the naso i onlky see him pic at the sand mabye 2 times. i offer lettuse seaweed, mysis brine some pellets ect. the nasp wont eat anything. he just got ick yesterday hes been fine for a while. the yellows and pby are fine now but im just afraid to put them back in there due to the fact its a pain in the butt to move all the rocks and corals around to catch them. for the water its tested daily with o,o,mabye 10 if that, cal.450 alk.4 temp 78-80 ph 8.4. for the equipment its a 125 dual overflow 30 gallon sump skimmer 18 watt uv a surge 7500 pump and 2 powerheads. 3x150 hqi's 4x96 pc. i cant seem what the problem is im getting upset. 1 question will micro bubbles cause them to get stressed out? i have them in my tank but i cant get rid of them for the death of me. i have a prefilter and a foam block and they are still in there! the pvc pipes are 1inch also mabye they are too big? please help, thank you


Originally Posted by Dogstar
I have 6 tangs that I have had for 5 years. Theres no secrets. The key word is as ophiura said " appropriate " or proper, Proper healthy fish to start, proper QT, proper system, proper tankmates, proper foods, proper size, proper hideing space, proper ect. ect. And above all, proper research. This goes for any fish or animal, not just tangs.
Sure Dogstar! Dead easy when you type it. " do properly that, this, and that" lol.
Its when you go down to it: suddenly not everything becomes so "proper and easy" no matter how much research you done.


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this is my oppinion of whats wong first off you have 3 yellow tangs, powder blue and a naso .in a 125 hopefully these tangs are all small and its a 6 ft tank.2nd off the foods you feed lettuce seaweed, mysis brine some pellets ect..the ect always keeps us guessing as for lettuce its all water it has no valid nutrients any living creature thats lives on this alone will eventually die from starvation.including us(favorite food of the anerexic compulsive dieter) seaweed is good but not as a whole diet.mysis shrimp is very high in protien but lacks the high fiber and vit, mineral content of in which tangs and all herbivores need,brine shrimp has little to no nutritional value for sw fish at all unless its boosted(guttloaded)with added vit and min for 12 hrs before feeding.pellets is very vague of a discription not all foods are created equally some are higher in nutrients than other..I spend alot of time researching dietary needs and foods for my large variety of fish.checking all ingredients and over all nutritional value of each brand feeding habit and required dosing ect.pelleted foods are a great if you get the right ones highly balenced and loaded with essential vit.i prefer spectrum brands over all but there are a few others that are easily comparison to them ingredients for flaked foods look for labels that are formulated for herbivores brands such as formula 2 flake or frozen emerald entrese, veggie flakes kelp flakes there are several brands available i strongly suggest looking into a more stable diet created for hebivores. also adding a vit supplimet to their foods such as selcon.or other vit suppliments i prefer selcon but again there are many others that are usefull.. i do hope this helps


Active Member
I totally agree with unleashed here. She makes very valid points as far as nutrition. You really have to offer more of what the fish need.
For instance, my fish get fed Formula A (10 different meats), Algae Formula (kelp, marine algae, and spirulina), frozen kelp, Seaweed Selects, and Angel Formula. On top of that, I dose all of my foods with Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem.


Active Member
Understood and THANKYOU!! I appreciate all the help and advice you have provided. And THANKYOU for not flaming. Have fed them Emerald Entree, it's the one of the multipacks that we get. I think Formula 2 is too messy, but if it is what they need then I will pick some up for them! We currently dont add anything to our food other then kent marine garlic xtreme. How long do you suggest soaking the food in those vitamins for??


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Originally Posted by seannmelly
Understood and THANKYOU!! I appreciate all the help and advice you have provided. And THANKYOU for not flaming. Have fed them Emerald Entree, it's the one of the multipacks that we get. I think Formula 2 is too messy, but if it is what they need then I will pick some up for them! We currently dont add anything to our food other then kent marine garlic xtreme. How long do you suggest soaking the food in those vitamins for??
i normally thaw the foods in a cup of tank water add the selcon and garlic extreme let sit till thawed then break up all the cubes to make sure everyone gets a fair share then pour it all rigth into the tank the suppiments that the food is soaked in will all be utilized by the fish and all inverts in te tank. if your fish are showing sings of ich you can also add these directly to the tank water for extra absorbtions boost(it is absorbed through the gills which is a direct link to the bloodstream of fish.


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Even if this stuff is suppose to help w/ ich i still have to QT right? b/c i hate taking chances w/ my fish making it or not. And can you give me a complete list of what suppliments along w/ garlic extreme i should be using?


Active Member
Yup, that is exactly what I do as well. I pop my frozen food into a small little cup of tank water, add my Garlic and the vitamin of the day, and let it sit for 5-10 minutes to thaw it out and then I slowly pour it into my tank.


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Originally Posted by seannmelly
Even if this stuff is suppose to help w/ ich i still have to QT right? b/c i hate taking chances w/ my fish making it or not. And can you give me a complete list of what suppliments along w/ garlic extreme i should be using?
Yes, you should still QT with hypo if they have ich.
Along with Garlic Xtreme, I would use Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem.


Active Member
i dont use zoe any more but its a good product none the less all that lion_craze has listed your fish will benefit from and yes i also agree with a qt and treatment.


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lion crazz and unleashed THANK YOU so much!!! Still QT the fish as we speak. Use the suppliments all at once or garlic and one of the suppliments on day and the next day a diff one?


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Originally Posted by Olga
Sure Dogstar! Dead easy when you type it. " do properly that, this, and that" lol.
Its when you go down to it: suddenly not everything becomes so "proper and easy" no matter how much research you done.
:notsure: Easy, I did not say it was easy.......None of my research ever said the hobby was easy.......
I agree that reserch can be a PITA and often confuseing and some times tells you things that you dont want to here.
I know that sometimes someone can do everything the best possible ways it should be done and still have problems.


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Originally Posted by seannmelly
lion crazz and unleashed THANK YOU so much!!! Still QT the fish as we speak. Use the suppliments all at once or garlic and one of the suppliments on day and the next day a diff one?
i use the selcon and garlic extreme daily if you using other supplimets you can rotate those in addition to the garlic and selcon or zoecon


Active Member
unleashed what do you feed your unicorn tang? hes will only eat mysis shrimp for me he doesnt liek any of the flake food i try so what else do i have to buy?


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I am glad that I could be of help. I hope your fish fight off their ich well.
I would use the garlic and then rotate the vitamins on a daily basis.


Active Member
I have never been much of a flake food fan anyway. Have you tried mixed frozen foods like Formula A or Algae Formula? Any new fish that I have had to be a little finicky always loves the mixes because there is a little bit of everything in there for them to pick at.