Anyone who is dieting!!


Active Member
Ok I am soooo stoked cause I have finally found some diet snacks that ACTUALLY taste pretty frickin good!!
The 100 calorie packs form NAbisco are off the hook!! I had the chips ahoy ones and the wheat thin ones........can I just say YUMMMMMMM!!! So if you are dieting and are sick of the tasteless food and want something to snack on, I totally recommend these!!
PLEASE PLEASE someone do not burst my bubble and tell that these are really incredibly bad for you!!!!


i'm not on a diet....but i've had those and they are really good! u may also want to think about supplementing with protein shakes, since u should eat like 6 small meals a day...


Active Member
not to burst your bubble but... thee have been recalls on these items for wrong "best buy dates" and the oreos didnt declare milk... they are just like any other "healthy snack alternative" what they lack in fat they make up for in other place like sodium or sugar... I am not trying to tell you they are bad, but just dont over do it... the concept behind these treats is portion control and not cutting off you favorite snack foods...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
not to burst your bubble but... thee have been recalls on these items for wrong "best buy dates" and the oreos didnt declare milk... they are just like any other "healthy snack alternative" what they lack in fat they make up for in other place like sodium or sugar... I am not trying to tell you they are bad, but just dont over do it... the concept behind these treats is portion control and not cutting off you favorite snack foods...

WHY????????????????????????? WHY?????????????????????????????????????
I begged you to not RUIN my Bubble world!!! WHY??????????


Active Member
not ruining, just informing you... eat them if they taste good to you!!! the key is to keep within what ever your diet perameters are... dont binge out on em that is the worst thing you could do!!!
btw everyone is on a diet, some just choose healthy or smaller portions...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
not ruining, just informing you... eat them if they taste good to you!!! the key is to keep within what ever your diet perameters are... dont binge out on em that is the worst thing you could do!!!
btw everyone is on a diet, some just choose healthy or smaller portions...

so binge then purging isn't the route I should be taking?


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
so binge then purging isn't the route I should be taking?
Only if you are a devoted Metallica fan!!! :hilarious
and ummm... no your esophagus will wither away :scared:


I've started runnin like 3 times a week for 20 minutes. It ends up being a tad over 2 miles each run. Anybody have any more advice for me so i can lose a little extra weight before I decide to start lifting? (haven't lifted due to two right shoulder surgeries limiting my ability to do much of anything)
oh yeah no thread jack intended just figured it was a dieting/exercise post sorry if anybody is offended.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
I've started runnin like 3 times a week for 20 minutes. It ends up being a tad over 2 miles. Anybody have any more advice for me so i can lose a little extra weight before I decide to start lifting? (haven't lifted due to two right shoulder surgeries limiting my ability to do much of anything)
change things up when you plateau... start lifting now... muscle burns fat!!! even though you may gain weight it is good healthy weight...


Originally Posted by ruaround
change things up when you plateau... start lifting now... muscle burns fat!!! even though you may gain weight it is good healthy weight...
Yeah I need to gain healthy weight and lose the bad weight. It's hard to get in a certain routine. I was tryin to run to lose the initial bad weight then start liftin to gain back good healthy weight. So I should run as well as lift? Like switch off days or what?


Active Member
I've got something from GNC so hopefully that will be good enough.
oh yeah no thread jack intended just figured it was a dieting/exercise post sorry if anybody is offended.
Today 03:19 PM
My thread I started, no offence. If it helps me learn something then I ain't trippin.


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
^sorry work at a vitamin store!^ lol :thinking:
Somethin funny is I work for a company named Nutraceutical. It's a huge vitamin company we distribute all over the place. I need to check into what is good lol I just don't have a ton of access to information.


Active Member
absolutley mix it up... you can run everyday or atleast walk for a nice switch up... a routine become too routine and and some point will start to feel like a chore... dont worry about your weight <--- worry about unhealthy weight... judge by how your clothes fit... get a body fat % test done and a cholesterol test done...
weigh yourself 1 time a week the same time and day and put the scale away... drink alot of water and as blue said take a multi vitamin...
disclaimer: and check with your doctor


Originally Posted by keleighr
I've got something from GNC so hopefully that will be good enough.
lol! that's where i work!!! so yes it's gonna be good unless its the soloday, which is just our version of centrum for the cheap people, i never sell any of it.
and i have heard of Nutraceutical, do they distribute stuff to GNC?? there's so many new companies out now, i can't tell them apart! what are some of the main things they make??


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
and i have heard of Nutraceutical, do they distribute stuff to GNC?? there's so many new companies out now, i can't tell them apart! what are some of the main things they make??
We make and distribute certain brands of products so I'll tell you those. There's a ton of products. Solaray, Kal, Nature's Life, Action Labs, Natural Balance. Those are just a few there's like 15 total brands I think. We do distribute to some GNC's I don't imagine all I bet it depends on the owner


ah, see i work for a corporate store, which is the best kind of store to shop at btw, cuz we are just plain nicer and will tell you if something is popular or if we've had lots of returns on an item. most of us anyways. we have stricter rules to follow.
solaray sounds familiar, is it one of those *ahem* cheapie multis. sorry bout that. lol.