Anyone who is dieting!!


thanks matt for bringing that one up! and way to go taking the Mega Men!!! lol... but u do know it's best to take two, not one if you can, i couldn't tell if u meant u take one or two... i only take one of the women's ultra mega in the morning before breakfast. if i take the other one, no matter what time of day, it keeps me up at night. but taking one helps me actually sleep better!
on protein shakes, if you look into GNC's 100% whey protein (currently in the back sections in black jugs w/ red labels--they're working on repackaging), we do sell a lot of that. but definitely get vanilla protein and like aquarium1 said, mix it with stuff. use a blender and you can mix the powder with any milk, water, or fruit juice and ice for an awesome tasting shake. you get like 93 servings in the large container each with 20 grams of protein. probably the best deal you can find. they are currently on sale right now...i can't remember how much tho. you can check at GNC's website, and now you can buy online too!
sorry to sound like a commercial or anything, but remember i sell this stuff! we go thru lots of training on it all, and i've worked for the company for almost a year and a half (which is good-a lot of stores have a high turnover rate.)
so feel free to ask about anything else, i dunno if u want to really take supplements, as in lots of

or anything, some people do. lol.


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
thanks matt for bringing that one up! and way to go taking the Mega Men!!! lol... but u do know it's best to take two, not one if you can, i couldn't tell if u meant u take one or two... i only take one of the women's ultra mega in the morning before breakfast. if i take the other one, no matter what time of day, it keeps me up at night. but taking one helps me actually sleep better!
on protein shakes, if you look into GNC's 100% whey protein (currently in the back sections in black jugs w/ red labels--they're working on repackaging), we do sell a lot of that. but definitely get vanilla protein and like aquarium1 said, mix it with stuff. use a blender and you can mix the powder with any milk, water, or fruit juice and ice for an awesome tasting shake. you get like 93 servings in the large container each with 20 grams of protein. probably the best deal you can find. they are currently on sale right now...i can't remember how much tho. you can check at GNC's website, and now you can buy online too!
sorry to sound like a commercial or anything, but remember i sell this stuff! we go thru lots of training on it all, and i've worked for the company for almost a year and a half (which is good-a lot of stores have a high turnover rate.)
so feel free to ask about anything else, i dunno if u want to really take supplements, as in lots of

or anything, some people do. lol.
Thx too i allso am in GNC all the time cause i allso used to work at a place called Nutri-MAX i think that was the name. But i spend allot of time in GNC cause my friends work there and i used to for a short amount of time, for the 25% off. plus i only dreank Pree made cause theres no lactose in the pre-made. And i know what your thinking i could just use water, but thats all bad. all i have to say Isopure, best flavor best quality, to expensive though.
And all the stores have a high turn over rate cause people are allways trying to RIP that place off. Well the 2 by me at least. :notsure:


Active Member
Wait til you try the Oreo and Cheese nips. I eat them every day but then I work at Nabisco, been there for 26 years. As far as a recall, someone should get their story straight before spreading gossip.


Originally Posted by trainfever
Wait til you try the Oreo and Cheese nips. I eat them every day but then I work at Nabisco, been there for 26 years. As far as a recall, someone should get their story straight before spreading gossip.
??Gossip??? Cheese nips???


Active Member
I dont have to read the links, I know what happened. The product was good, its just the the packages were stamped with a code date that said the product was outdated. Because of the sue-happy society in which we live, the product was recalled before some idiot said he got sick from old product which we knew was not old, just stamped with a wrong date.
If you really want to know if a snack is healthy all you have to do is look at 2 things, the calories, and calories from fat. If the calories from fat is greater than 20% of the calories, then it is not a healthy snack. e.g. if an item has 200 calories and there are more than 40 calories from fat, then it is not a healthy snack.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
not to burst your bubble but... thee have been recalls on these items for wrong "best buy dates" and the oreos didnt declare milk...
exactly what I stated... I never said there was anything wrong with the products... just stating the facts...


Active Member
My mom used to be one of the doctors in a weight loss clinic. One of the most important things to do is start off your morning with something high in protein. Dont drink milk much, its got some kind of hormone which keeps you from losing weight. And if you eat carbs in the morning it keeps you from losing any weight at all for 12 hours


Nutritional side-effects
Overconsumption of Cow's milk is argued to be unhealthy primarily due to its fat and cholesterol content. The following studies are used to support this position:
Some milk is rich in saturated fat, which studies have linked to increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Low-fat and non-fat forms of milk may mitigate any such risk.
Up to 70% of humans have an incomplete ability to digest milk, lactose intolerance. For those individuals, milk may induce symptoms such as cramping, bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. Certain ethnic groups may be more susceptible to these effects.
Critics dispute the claim that drinking large amounts of milk can reduce the risk of bone fractures, especially in the elderly. Studies have failed to associate high calcium intakes with lower risk of hip and forearm fractures in men[3] or women[4].
Critics of milk claim that plant-based sources of calcium are preferable, on the grounds that animal proteins in milk causes leaching or excretion of calcium from bones.[5] Such critics refute the claim that milk prevents osteoporosis and make the counterclaim that milk, in fact, contributes to that disease.
A study published in June 2005 suggests that consumption of milk by 9- to 14-year-old children is associated with weight gain, although the researchers identify that excessive calorie intake is the cause rather than dairy specific factors. Researchers were surprised by their conclusion that weight gain was associated with dietary calcium and low-fat or skim milk, but not dairy fat.[6]
A February 2005 study found a positive association between acne and the consumption of whole milk, skim milk, and other dairy products in high-school-age women.[7].
Two studies show a correlation between high galactose consumption, and high rates of ovarian cancer. [8][9]
A study suggests a correlation between high calcium intake and prostate cancer.[10]. There is no evidence that any such problem is specific to milk. A review published by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research states that at least 11 human population studies have linked dairy product consumption and prostate cancer.


Active Member
No you didnt say that the product was bad but you purposely gave that impression. Kleighr is from California, it says so right in the upper right hand corner. The product was distributed to Florida and I believe North Carolina. I dont know about you but on my map, California is at the other end of the country from Florida. The recalled product was no where near California. Kleighr was excited that she found something that she could enjoy while dieting. Instead of congratulating her, you purposely burst her bubble by getting her to think that something was wrong with the 100 calorie packs. you certainly didnt tell her about the recall because you were concerned about her health, now did you.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ruaround
not to burst your bubble but... thee have been recalls on these items for wrong "best buy dates" and the oreos didnt declare milk... they are just like any other "healthy snack alternative" what they lack in fat they make up for in other place like sodium or sugar... I am not trying to tell you they are bad, but just dont over do it
... the concept behind these treats is portion control and not cutting off you favorite snack foods...
wow train... I wasnt knocking your Company nor the products...
I told her that I wasn't trying to tell her they were bad (bolded above) and gave her the concept behind nabiscos marketing... and some simple knowledge about one ingredient making up for lack of another...
as for the recall info every article said they were distributed to retailers nationwide (look at the linked articles)... and as stated before I simply gave the mislabeling recalls(underlined above)... I didnt mention that the snack items had a defect or were hazardous infct even reffered to them as "treats" (perhaps that should have been a footnote to not make it so impactful)...


only a 25% discount?!?! must have either been many many years ago, or a franchise... we get 30%.
and cow's milk i read can cause alergies, since the proteins are too large for the body to digest...or something like that.
i don't like least not the powder...yuck. we sell a lot of the ready to drinks though.


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
only a 25% discount?!?! must have either been many many years ago, or a franchise... we get 30%.
and cow's milk i read can cause alergies, since the proteins are too large for the body to digest...or something like that.
i don't like least not the powder...yuck. we sell a lot of the ready to drinks though.
Your crazy Lagoon. The green apple is great! I have probibley dreanken every premade protein out there. And for a "frute" premade its great. There strawberry powder even better.


see i've been too afraid to try the rtd's. lol. even w/ my discount, they are still expensive! lol. for a poor college kid at least. do u mix the powdered one like a milkshake kinda? i still like the pro performance, cheaper for more servings, and tastes good!
oh and another interesting fact: my bf is set up at a flea market right now, right next to a lady selling her 'own' herbs. she supposedly collects them herself and i guess even puts them in the capsules... he was looking at her stuff and she started talking to him...he mentioned i work for GNC, and it turns out she does too! now i wonder if those are really her own herbs :thinking: wait no i don't. i'm sure they are originally GNC brand herbs that she put in a different bottle! lol. stupid people.


That herb things funny, Usually if i buy a strawberry isopure i mix it with orange juice. The RTD's i buy pre-made only. No-Lactose remember and its convenient


i've been over weight most of my life and i've finally found something i can live with. i'm doing weight watchers and have lost 55lbs so far! :cheer: :cheer: (only a billion more to go, or something like that!) as for those 100 cal packs....
i like the sunshine chocolate chip cookies the best! also, try finding a splenda cook book. i just made the chocolate chip cookies today and they are pretty good. my only other tip...stay away from cheese as much as you can! i love the stuff, but find i keep the weight on when i eat it (even one ounce!) all i can tell you is stick with it and you'll continue to lose. gook luck!!


Active Member
That and frickin chips. My downfall if you ask me, my kryptonite. That is the hardest thisng for me to give. I have switched to the baked ones even though I know that they aren't that much different. But I have to slowly wean my butt off of them.