Anyone With Tangs


New Member
once to twice a day, mixture of frozen enriched brine, emerald entree., flake food etc. they also go through one algae sheet a day. despite all of that they still graze all day


Active Member
i aks becaus emy trates are high , none ofmy other levels and i think its because im feeding my tangs 3-5 times per day? i have to cut back but iw onder if i can cut back to once a day?


Active Member
I feed mostly once every other day, but sometimes I will feed the next day too, nori, prime reef, mysis or pellets or a mixture. I mix it up on them


Active Member
ya all of my tangs eat algae all day and night long, and ive been feeding 3-5 times a day,,, i would feed two diff. flake foods in the morning, pellets, algae and grape caulpera in the afternoon and mysis shrimp in the evening... no wonder why my trates are through the roof!


Active Member
Originally Posted by slgcmg
once to twice a day, mixture of frozen enriched brine, emerald entree., flake food etc. they also go through one algae sheet a day. despite all of that they still graze all day

same here we have 3 tangs