anyone work at a pet store?


Very good discussion!! Glad you started this IS nice to see opinions from both sides. For one....I've tried many different angels in my tank and can't seem to keep on alive, all the other fish remain fine and water paramemeters are great, can't figure out what's going on!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltrookie
Very good discussion!! Glad you started this IS nice to see opinions from both sides. For one....I've tried many different angels in my tank and can't seem to keep on alive, all the other fish remain fine and water paramemeters are great, can't figure out what's going on!!
Have you got angels from diff fish stores? How did you acclimate? How long did you have them before they died? What size tank? Other residents?


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltrookie
Very good discussion!! Glad you started this IS nice to see opinions from both sides. For one....I've tried many different angels in my tank and can't seem to keep on alive, all the other fish remain fine and water paramemeters are great, can't figure out what's going on!!
Do you happen to order from A&M? If so, I may know what's going on... :mad:


13 damsels is way too many, we used damsels for our 55 gallon but only bought 3, two of which died and I still have my yellow damsel and we have had our tank now for over a year.
My local LFS which we shop at at least 3 times week floats there fish for about 45 minutes, then uses a net to get the fish out, they never put the water in there tanks that come from the person they bought them from, last time they did this all there fish became diseased along with all the rock and intervebrates, etc.


My wife and I went to one of the lfs we deal with, I was ordering RO water and my wife was looking at the fish. I met her at the tanks, when she said " Someone must have forgot this little guy". I looked and there was a purple dottyback floating in a half deflated bag. This being Saturday and I know they get their shipments on Wed and Thurs. I told my reliable salesman(about the only one in there) He said dang help and immediately opened the bag. The little guy was so happy he didn't woory about being acclimated.


i agree with lion on some custom just dont care what is right. i have people all the time come in and try to stock thier tank with in a week of it being set up. i try to tell them they shouldnt do that but i have a manager that tells people to cycle thier tank with fish and they disregaurd what i say. but ive have some customer that only want to deal with me becuase i kinda know some stuff. and if i dont know it i dont pretend to a ask someone or look it up in a book we have thier. i think the best thing you can do is research what your getting your selfs into with the fish and i always tell people to do that.
i remember this one custmer who want to put a koran angel in with a seahorse they had in a 55g with a hippo tang and damsels. i couldnt believe what i heard when she told me and got her not to buy the koran which i was very happy about and asked if she was going to upgrade to a bigger tank and she said yes but she wanted more seahorse and i bet she wound up putting a angel that she bought at another fish store.


The ***** I work at floats for about an hour, then nets them out. I'm sure there's a better way (judging from the dead sheet the next few days), but the time frame we have to work with before having to move on makes it very difficult. ALL new fish come in on the same day, plus any reptiles. With *****, fish and reptile are watched by the same person, and our particular ***** has been going through a rash of A) vandalisms, and B) theft, making our job all the better.

Some fish can take "speedy" accilmations (IE, damsels), but when it comes to fish like Angels, they really need to drip, and we just don't have the time, space, or manpower to do it.


Originally Posted by puffer9006
i agree with lion on some custom just dont care what is right. i have people all the time come in and try to stock thier tank with in a week of it being set up. i try to tell them they shouldnt do that but i have a manager that tells people to cycle thier tank with fish and they disregaurd what i say. but ive have some customer that only want to deal with me becuase i kinda know some stuff. and if i dont know it i dont pretend to a ask someone or look it up in a book we have thier. i think the best thing you can do is research what your getting your selfs into with the fish and i always tell people to do that.
i remember this one custmer who want to put a koran angel in with a seahorse they had in a 55g with a hippo tang and damsels. i couldnt believe what i heard when she told me and got her not to buy the koran which i was very happy about and asked if she was going to upgrade to a bigger tank and she said yes but she wanted more seahorse and i bet she wound up putting a angel that she bought at another fish store.
Didn't see your post there...
yeah, same deal here. I have people that come specifically for me, but I also have customers that go for specifically other people because I don't tell them what they want to hear. There was one time I refused to sell a 10" pleco to a guy who said he had a 29gal. Needless to say he got very angry (he was also very drunk) and I had to get a manager. Turns out, his shopping cart about 2 isles over had a 29gal kit in it. So you'll always find people who will try and try to get their way, by either lieing to you about what they have, or going to another store, buying an almost full sized undulated trigger, and try to get a refund on the gobie they bought from you.


Active Member
Well, I noticed that ***** was mentioned, negatively(which is the norm around here). Lets PLEASE not turn this into ANOTHER ***** bashing thread. PLEASE...Im begging you.


I just started working at a LFS :joy: in my town. Some of the stuff they do is kinda bad but it's not to bad. I'll try to make it better if I can but you never know how things will go with a big chain of stores. I did get to play with about 130 lbs of LR today.
And made my first sell, a lady and her daughter came in and wanted to setup a 10 gallon nano. They went freshwater, not my choice, but for the girl ( 11 or 12 ) I think it was a good idea. Let her get started easy then work up to SW. I think I'm going to like this job alot. :joy: :joy: :joy: