Apache has a bloated pouch!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Lisa we need an update here...how is he doing??? I've had him in my thoughts

Since the spontaneous evac yesterday morning, Apache is getting around and looking and eating as if nothing ever happened.
At this point, I have been observing Maya, who got pretty freaked out with Apache's behavior during the last couple of days. She's kind of keeping to herself and I haven't seen her eat yet today, but I think she took kind of a beating in that I witnessed Apache try to hitch to her when he was having problems, she got pulled around the tank by him quite harshly...I don't know if that happened more than once since I work during the day. I have my eye on her. She's breathing normally and moving about, her color looks good, but just not herself. I'm hoping that by tomorrow she'll rejoin the herd.
Here's hoping.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Since the spontaneous evac yesterday morning, Apache is getting around and looking and eating as if nothing ever happened.
At this point, I have been observing Maya, who got pretty freaked out with Apache's behavior during the last couple of days. She's kind of keeping to herself and I haven't seen her eat yet today, but I think she took kind of a beating in that I witnessed Apache try to hitch to her when he was having problems, she got pulled around the tank by him quite harshly...I don't know if that happened more than once since I work during the day. I have my eye on her. She's breathing normally and moving about, her color looks good, but just not herself. I'm hoping that by tomorrow she'll rejoin the herd.
Here's hoping.

I would be freaked out too!
Let go of me!!!!! I'm sure she'll return to her family very soon.
Glad to hear that Lisa!!!!! I will keep everything crossed that it was a one time deal and he doesn't have to go thru that again.....or should I say put you thru that again?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Glad to hear that Lisa!!!!! I will keep everything crossed that it was a one time deal and he doesn't have to go thru that again.....or should I say put you thru that again?
Yeah, you and me both!! Apache is doing great.
At this point, I'm still watcing my little Maya. She's hitched to one of the big corals and not doing much in the way of anything. After I turn the equipment off this evening for feeding, I will add an airstone to see if that brings her around a little (suggestion from the big horse site).
It seems that if it's not one thing, it's another...oh, worry-me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
But I'm pretty sure it's not babies.
I stand corrected...my bad...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I stand corrected...my bad...
Start knitting those little tail booties Grandma