They should work just fine, as long if the aptasia (sp) are on the smaller side. If they are bigger then do a search here for the manual way to remove with kalk paste, joe's juice, etc. They shouldn't bother your corals for the most part, some may close up for a short time if they walk across them. There are exceptions: pepps. love yellow polyps and similar looking corals (mistaken for aptasia).
Please reconsider a copperband for controlling this, they are a very delicate species, hard to keep, and aren't 100% reef safe. Inverts, like anemones and feather dusters for instance, may become an enticing meal.
Lastly, you might want to edit your last post---you may get some negative feedback on the action you used (surprised you didn't). There were/are better options, but I will leave it at that. HTH