Originally Posted by Offshore80
Has anyone had any experience with this product? I purchased one and hooked it up last week. It seems to be of good quality and is functioning as advertised. It needs to cycle so I won't no how well it removes nitrates. From what I've read in the advertisement it should help save on water changes. I currently have to make 30-40 gallon water changes a week on my 270 gal system and that's just to keep the nitrates at 50 ppm. It's an aggressive set up with large fish. As you can tell it's expensive to maintain. I'm looking for the silver bullet to get back to just water changes once a month.
Any feed back on this product will be appreciated.
I am by far no expert on the subject, and am only a beginner in this whole hobby. So please take whatever I say here with a grain of salt ;-). I have been attempting to start a FOWLR tank for about a year now, with plans on migrating it to a reef setup once I got the hang of it. I followed all the information I could find, performed 50% water changes every week to try and keep the nitrates down - which incidently were not really all that high. I was plagued with green hair algae - it covered EVERYTHING ! Live rock, glass, snail & hermit crab shells, every couple weeks I was scrubbing it all off. About two months ago I purchase one of these Aquaripure Denitrators. BEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. After two months of running, not a sign of algae anywhere. Nitrates, Amonia, Nitrites and phosphates all at undetectable levels... all inhabitants appear to be happy. I haven't performed a water change for the past month, and still no rise in levels. The cost savings in salt alone will soon pay for the denitrator. I personally highly recommend one.