Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

debbie g

You people are so inspiring! I have been dying to set up my new tank. Waiting for the new house to be finished. (My husband says that I am only interested in the new house because I get to set up my fish tank!:yes: )
So I come here, look at all your beautiful tanks, read, and get new ideas. Oh, and to be honest, I have many of your tanks pics printed up and put on my fridge so I can enjoy them when I'm not on the puter. :)
Thank you all!
Debbie G


New Member
So be gentle please :D
This is a shot taken may of '03'.
My tank in the foreground a 5'110 is mostly SPS as you can see, my wifes tank can be seen through is a 54 corner mostly LPS.


Macro67, I absolutely love your tank....I just love how you have done your tank...Thanks abunch! Even if you don't win the contest on this have won in my heart...I know that sounds gay, but your tank seriously made my jaw drop...thanks abunch..and if you could...could you take more pictures and email them to my e-mail...thanks a bunch again.. my email is and THANKS


Active Member
Well, been a while since I added a pic. I was waiting for after my move...everything is settled in enough now to post again...



Originally posted by Marco67
lets try it this way....

that is very very very very beautiful.... wonderful tank you have there


Active Member

Originally posted by Marco67
lets try it this way....

that is one BIG clam
, how old is it and what kind


Nice beginning. Love to see that much live rock. Might eventually want more but it looks like a great arrangement. Are you going to just have corals' which is great, or will you be choosing fish also in the future? Sometimes I relish the idea of having just a coral tank but think I would miss the livliness of the other inhabitants. Good luck.