Aquarium of the Pacific


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Originally Posted by Lizzy
I agree that children should be on thier best behavior and be respectful when out but if you are a parent you know that everyone has thier days...obviously if you dont understand've never had children. But I do understand where you are coming from and as a mother I always try not to let my children do things that would not disturb people like yourself. and maybe next time you could take some baby wipes with you and hand them to the childrens parents and saying...would you mind cleaning that up? I'm trying to take a picture. The parents probably didnt even think about it since they were probably there just to look at the pretty fish and arent freak fanatics like all of us!!

Agreed I am alittle over the top when it comes to things like this. I will give you a instance.. I walk into a mens bathroom and wash my hands after. i will see someone walk out of a stall and straight out the door. I make sure to mention to my son how disgusting that is and how it causes all sorts of nasty stuff to be on door handles eetc. I then wwhen walking out behind them make it rather loud say to my wife hey honey dont shake that guys hands he doesnt wash when he is done. ( I am a hillbilly but a clean hillbilly and a really loud one to boot..) I do make scenes when I should not as in this instance but it truly makes me sick. I will not ever touch a mens door handle EVER !! I am a bit O.C.D. I'll admit but have you ever seen what they do in there ??
Anyway awsome pictures man. I think you should perhaps ask someone that works there to perhaps give you a guided tour and or help you out a bit. It might work ya never know.


Active Member
I never expected this to turn into such a debate, but I'm glad it has......I was raised in the deep south and kids simply didn't act the way they are allowed to now..... The entire experience at the AOTP was an eye opener.
the outdoor pool area was the biggest disaster, rules were simple "2 fingers in the water, no hands - your children can lay on pool edge, but not stand"
The poor lady who was describing the exhibit was getting frustrated as you could hear in her voice as she would have to explain every 30 seconds - Hands out of the water NOW - PLEASE get your child off the wall" you literaly couldn't understand or follow what she was saying due to the constant policing of the parents and kids........I actually looked over at the lady, she rolled her eyes and sighed, our eyes kinda met and I'm pretty sure we both knew what the other was really thinking
I've contacted the Aquarium to see if there is a photography tour or after hours program or something so that people like me who want to do some serious photography can have even just an hour of time to photograph and enjoy the tanks, I'll keep you updated on what they have to say.
Long time ago I was a docent at the Wikiki aquarium in the Surge pool area, we had a lot of control over the area and the rules were really enforced, made peoples experience much more enjoyable and informative


Active Member
I would agree with you Max about the kids. I have a 2 and 4 year old and you would never see them like that. Not only is it disrespectful, but it is GROSS. Can you imagine the amount of germs that are on the tank!!!! GROSSSSSSS!!!!!!
As a responsible parent I am always cognisent of others around when we have our kids. If I notice someone taking pictures or video I ALWAYS ensure that my familly are not the "who the hell are those idiots" in the picture accidentally.
Great pictures Max...keep them coming. Your next trip should be to take some pics in Mandalay Bay. I loved their aquariums.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Great pictures Max...keep them coming. Your next trip should be to take some pics in Mandalay Bay. I loved their aquariums.
Thank you
I'm actually trying to make plans to head over to Shark Reef this week and do some shooting.....


i agree with you totally.rules were made to be followed NOT broken.and this is how people get the flu and mrsa by letting kids lick and touch everything. i believe in fun but not to that extent.


ok i live like 45 min from the aquarium and that reef tank is absoluteley amazing (i went with eric aka Gnorman my older brother) and that is like i cannot even explain it it is absoluteley unbeliveble the fish were insane in the tank they had
1 black tang
1 spotted filefish
2 salfins if i can remember
a couple pink square anthias
and should i say that in the tank there was a ok this is insane a at least a 3 foot around green hammer that was incredible and we asked the workers how much it was and they said like 5 grand and another humungo frogspawn the was 3 grand unbeliveble
and also camble eric left on his mission a week ago for his mission if u didnt know and he is goin to argentina


Active Member
Wow, almost forgot about the hammer, it was freakin HUGE. I was kinda bummed as watermovement caused some focus issues, but here is a photo.... It was so healthy and the color was intense.
I actually went last weekend, and was planning on eventually posting the pictures, but my camera is pretty lame, and my pictures look nowhere near yours, so I dont think that I will, just out of respect for people's eyes.
And I agree, children need to be parented better, unfortunately the parents either dont care to handle their children, they are too inept to care for them, or just plain too young for it.
Please update if you get any information about the slowest times (I think wednesday is probably the best) or any after hours touring.
And one more thing, do you have a picture of the tank that is roof to floor? I think the people that havnt had the chance to go there would get a kick out of seeing that monster.


Active Member
Ask and you shall receive...LOL....
Why oh why couldn't they make this into a full blown reef tank, kelp is way overated

Nice pics and thanks for posting. Very beautiful and a great chance for someone from the other end of the country to experience the beauty.
And with the debate, Sure the kid shouldnt have been up there. But he was and it does happen. So as adults we have to understand that and except it. My kids wouldnt be doing that either, and I have 4 kids under 7 yrs old.
As far as the germs, they are every where sure we dont want to see snott dripping off our public aquariums but its life. Everything we touch in public is covered in germs, imagine how many people dont wash there hands after using the bathroom.
And for the aquarium to have a no stroller day would be silly considering the place would have been dead in there without them. That is obviously the majority of the customer base.
I personally find it more annoying when adults hoard the space and dont let other people and kids view. I experienced this at the Toledo zoo last year when a man and women with their camera were in the gorillas faces trying to get that perfect shot when no one else could see. Im not trying to relate this to you i think it seems you were trying to keep out of the way. but also get your enjoyment at the same time.
this is just my opinion and as different people we will all disagree from time to time.
Again thanks for the great pictures.


Active Member
This is totally off topic and I have no idea why it popped into my head....A while back we were @ Disney in Florida and there was this area where people could park their strollers and there were bazillions of them all lined up next to each other... can't take them in most of the lines so you have to park them
Well all the squirels had figured out that the parents stored all the little treats in the bottom of the strollers and there were thousands of the little critters going from stroller to stroller stealing bags of cherrios.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Well all the squirels had figured out that the parents stored all the little treats in the bottom of the strollers and there were thousands of the little critters going from stroller to stroller stealing bags of cherrios.....

Wow, that's so awesome!! Post some pictures of that, Max!!


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Little childish dont you think. he is a kid and if you cant get use to the public getting in your way most of the time then you might want to find a new hobby.
???...what ARE you talking about.


nice pics.... i went to Shedds aquarium in chicago, Illinois almost two months ago.. took a bunch of pics and some videos.... should i post those?