Some things suffered when nitrAtes spikes because the plant life slowed down.
Wrong, nitrates go up slowly. It's part of a cycle, it does not simply spike. Plant life slowing down cannot cause this anyway.
Additionally, the macro culture tank went from 160ppm++ nitrates (fish died and decomposed for 4 days) to 0.0 in three weeks with a baby molly growing 3/4" with no feeding,no circulation, and no filtration other than the macros. and all with tap water and no water changes.
Again, even with these failures, the fish are thriving. And most of the corals are also especially considering my $40.00 light setup and the presence of the tang and coral beauty.
Hmmm...very contradicting, how can you say fish and corals are thriving?
Plants more waste= more plant growth=more filtering. Seems stable to me.
Don't forget, your adding the first part "more waste" in the tap.
Machanical more waste= clogged mechanical filters,= less filtering. not too stable.
Lets say this is true(not) Plants would be a good "backup plan". And you wouldn't have failures, swings, fish and corals dying, ect....
Skimmers to remove proteins that reduce to ammonia and nitrates. If they cost $1.99 then they might be worth it. But at $150.00+ they are not. And again another mechanical thing that must be adjusted, maintained, and can fail.
I have run skimmerless for 2+ years. The last 4 months I've kept mainly LPS and SPS. About 6weeks ago I turned on my skimmer and the SPS have been coloring up nicely.
I have always said a new person should run a skimmer. It only makes it easier for them in the water quality department. How much do corals cost? lets say $20 on a average. 8 corals $160 bucks. Anybody that has a reef for more than 6 months has way more than that. But $150 skimmer can be the differance between saving corals from a macro crash. That makes it worth the money.
BTW: your nitrates trending down, can you just TRY RO/DI water top off and a 25% water change for a month? See for yourself how fast they will go down.