aquarium with wood trim?


Active Member
Hey all,
I just found a fish tank someone is selling in my area at a very reasonable price. After a couple of days of talking to this person and looking at pictures I realized that the framing of the tank itself is wood. It has wood supports on all areas of the tank. My question is, will this work for a saltwater tank? I have always had metal supports on my tanks so I just wasnt sure on this one. Thanks everyone!


Active Member
Here are some pics. The second one is showing a slight deterioration of the wood support in the center (explained as having a heat lamp on top of it and slightly scorching it).
BTW: The thing with the butterflies and sand stuff on the glass is a "cling-on" type of thing (like a sticker but re-usable). It comes right off the seller says. Just letting you know.



Is that really wood, or plastic covered with that "genuine simulated wood" laminate paper?
The shape looks exactly like the plastic frames of my AGA tank.
Frankly, the second picture looks more like plastic melting from a heat source ... I don't think wood would deform like that.


Active Member
I was told by the owner that it was all wood, although I have not seen it in person so I cant be certain. I will let you know when I see it.


If that middle band is broken you should try to repair the band prior to setting up. The glass may bow or crack if not repaired. I seen one repair in which they drilled both sides and used plastic zip ties to repair.


Active Member
Originally Posted by f14peter
Frankly, the second picture looks more like plastic melting from a heat source ... I don't think wood would deform like that.
that is exactly what i thought at first glance.
that is plastic with wood appearance, and its melted. what does he want for it? and you better make sure he has removed the butterfly before you have to take goo -gone to it and remove it yourself. if its cheap id take it. its probably still structurally sound. would make a good QT or fuge tank.


Active Member
I have a similar tank, "wood" trim just like that. It isn't real wood, it is all plastic. I would see if you can fix that middle bar - i've read that you can't use the canopy when the support beam is broken. I'm really not sure why, but that is what a sticker said on my tank that looked just like that one.


Active Member
The owner is probably wrong about the wood as it does look like plastic, and also I havent seen a wood trimmed aquarium before. Second, I was told that this was a 150 gallon and I asked for the dimensions and the owner tells me that it is 48Lx21Wx19D which, if I am not mistaken, is a 90 gallon. I dont believe that this person really knows what they are talking about. Maybe those dimensions are not what he or she meant to send to me.


there is no way that is a 150. min is a 150 and it has 2 supports.
i would not buy is from them they sound like a swindler and just want a crappy tank gone.
i have the "wood" on mine/ it is plastic with a wood coating and your supports look just like mine. those marks in the supports are from metling in. if they let that happen to the tank then what else may be wrong?
i would say sve your money and get a diff one. I know some LFS sell used fishtanks/ min for exsp. 10 gallon for $10 20 for $20 and so on. they have a huge 150 gallon Hex for $499 right now i want soo bad. also take a look on we got our comp. 150 set up from $500.


Looking at those pictures, I'd say it's def. plastic with a "wood" look. Wood doesn't melt like burns and fragments so he's either scamming you or doesn't realize what he bought to begin with. Personally, I'd only use that tank as a back-up (ie., sump, refuge, Q, etc..). When the deal sounds too good to be true it usually is. But if the price is right it may very well serve as a great back-up tank. just don't get suckered into using it as your main display. MHO


Active Member
i think thats plastic with a 'wood look' wood doesnt melt it burns , i dont know it i would get it , if its going to be filled with water i think that tank would be best used as a reptile tank , it prolly wouldnt hold up too terribly long if filled with water


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I would see if you can fix that middle bar - i've read that you can't use the canopy when the support beam is broken. I'm really not sure why, but that is what a sticker said on my tank that looked just like that one.
Because tanks like that use two canopies, each half the length of the aquarium.


Active Member
You can order replacement braces for all glass tanks and fix it but it would probably cost most than just buying a new 90 gallon, the tank will bow and break eventually with the brace like that, 55 gallon aren't safe without a brace so a 90 would be a really bad idea. And yeah, it's just plastic with fake wood trim, it's the oak option from allglass, I have two tanks with the same trim. Also keep in mine you can't place halides or high heat lights over the brace, might have been how theirs melted.


That tank to me appears to have been used for reptiles and not fish. Do water test before you pay for it and also I would not pay more than $45 either. It really looks like a 55 gallon.
Take the WxLxH= and then divide by 231= will give you gallons of the tank.