Well......I have had my 90 gallon for a year and a half. It has 2 false perc clowns, sailfin tang, yellow tang, blue mandrine goby, and mostly soft corals. lots of buttons, mushrooms, xenias,cup corals, 2 flowerpot gonipora(my clown chose the daisy gona to host-go figure), orange tree sponge, 2 emrald crabs, a porcelian crab, 2 sea urchins, 1 peppermint shrimp, 2 sea stars, and a sebae anemone.
I turned rebel 6 mths ago trying to figure out what was fact and what was fiction. I have been pushing the limits of my tank by using tap water, and not following other big nono's that the "speacialists" recommend.I had intended to use the 45 gallon for seahorses, but I was having a hard time finding enough info about to feel comfortable buying a pair. So the eel seemed like a better choice. I couldn't be more happy.
My plan is to get a 300 gallon tank by this coming summer, transfer my corals and such(especially the tangs), and then the eel will inherit the 90 gallon, and hopefully by then I will have read enough to feel comfortable getting a pair of seahorses, and they will get the 45 gallon. At least thats the plan.
I may not get the seahorses.....they are beautiful, but very finicky. This little eel has a lot a spunk. I like fish with attitudes. It was interesting to watch him inspect the pirate chip last night. He sat on the deck awhile, coiled up around the masts, and then started trying to eat the cannons! He went in and out of the holes inspected every part of the ship. I'm thinking of naming him Davey Jones(after davey jones locker-pirate story lore)
Thanks fo all your input
I look forward to hearing more about your eel! :happyfish
How big is your sne now???