Are all eels this active?????


Active Member
Ever since I took out the live rock and put in the pirate ship the little guy has been exploring the tank like mad. I know fish are curious, but this is the first eel I have had. Is this normal???? When I first brought himhomeall he did was hide. Now he's out exploring every last inch of the tank? What's up???? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Ever since I took out the live rock and put in the pirate ship the little guy has been exploring the tank like mad. I know fish are curious, but this is the first eel I have had. Is this normal???? When I first brought himhomeall he did was hide. Now he's out exploring every last inch of the tank? What's up???? :notsure:
could be hungry or just mad because you took his home. They are escape artists to the max so ensure you fix that 1" gap you talked about or you might find him on the carpet, hard and covered in fuzz.


Active Member
Well, He can't be hungry....the little pig ate 3 silvers and he's still picking at the krill I left on the sand for him. The little guy seems really intrigued with all the decor on the ship. He keeps going in and out, and then circles the tank and then heads back to the ship again. It has masts, sails the whole works. He's been poking at the sails and such...doing a lot of investigating.
I'll make sure to cover that last inch though.


Active Member
Well, I covered the tank, but the little guy's main interest seems to be the new ship. Currenty he is trying to eat the cannons...giggle. :happyfish


like i said in a couple of ur posts , he is looking for a home and if he finds an escape first he will take it
and by the way, you shouldnt start so many threads about one thing. just add to your original post and people will reply. Almost every thread you have started is about the same thing


Active Member

Other than posting more on one thread can you start a thread with multiple subjects?
sooo kinda like this.....
Snow flake eel Care
2nd thought 3rd though
| |
So then you can one main thread with lots on info inside???? :thinking:
Is it bad to post lots of threads????? :notsure:


no , its that every thread ia about your eel, hiding or eating and there a alot of them. nothing wrong with multiple threads about different things


Active Member
Gotcha so it it's about the eel put it in the eel thread!
Thanks all. I think part of it it is that I am just flowing over because I finally found people to share my hobby with. Thanks all for your help, guidance, and patients.


ya u got it and i understand you being excited because i felt the same when i set up my first tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blizz75
ya u got it and i understand you being excited because i felt the same when i set up my first tank.
Thanks Blizz


Active Member
Well he seems to have ajusted to the changes I made in the tank. He hasn't been out since this morning. :happyfish


Thats for the best because when they are small they need to feel secure and it will keep him from trying to escape. As he grows and becomes more comfortable to his surroundings he will come out to see you and eat. IMO you picked one of the best starter fish as well as one with the best personalities! What else are you planning on keeping?


Active Member
Well......I have had my 90 gallon for a year and a half. It has 2 false perc clowns, sailfin tang, yellow tang, blue mandrine goby, and mostly soft corals. lots of buttons, mushrooms, xenias,cup corals, 2 flowerpot gonipora(my clown chose the daisy gona to host-go figure), orange tree sponge, 2 emrald crabs, a porcelian crab, 2 sea urchins, 1 peppermint shrimp, 2 sea stars, and a sebae anemone.
I turned rebel 6 mths ago trying to figure out what was fact and what was fiction. I have been pushing the limits of my tank by using tap water, and not following other big nono's that the "speacialists" recommend.I had intended to use the 45 gallon for seahorses, but I was having a hard time finding enough info about to feel comfortable buying a pair. So the eel seemed like a better choice. I couldn't be more happy.
My plan is to get a 300 gallon tank by this coming summer, transfer my corals and such(especially the tangs), and then the eel will inherit the 90 gallon, and hopefully by then I will have read enough to feel comfortable getting a pair of seahorses, and they will get the 45 gallon. At least thats the plan.

I may not get the seahorses.....they are beautiful, but very finicky. This little eel has a lot a spunk. I like fish with attitudes. It was interesting to watch him inspect the pirate chip last night. He sat on the deck awhile, coiled up around the masts, and then started trying to eat the cannons! He went in and out of the holes inspected every part of the ship. I'm thinking of naming him Davey Jones(after davey jones locker-pirate story lore)
Thanks fo all your input
I look forward to hearing more about your eel! :happyfish
How big is your sne now???


if u do the seahorses do CB as WC do not survive that well. As for my SFE, he died about a month ago. I had him for about a year and i bought a 75g and the day i did i found him outside the tank all crusty and dry.
I had left one of my panels off from a water change from the day before and he found the hole. I now have the 75g set up and will be getting another SFE on the 22nd.
As for your reef, i did not know you had that much experience in the hobby! Your tank sounds great do you have any pics?? and have you decided what you want to put w/ the eel in the 90g??


Active Member
what makes them jump? I read certain fishes fresh and salt are more likely to jump. Kinda like a high strung dog, but when a dog jumps it's not usually life threatening. And after being in the tank for so long, you would think the eel would have known the boundaries? Ofcourse curiosity does kill the cat from time to time, but still...... In all the 24 years I have had fish(freshwater) I had never had a fish jump. So what causes them to jump?
I'm sorry to hear you lost your eel. The snowflake are beautiful animals. Do you have any pictures of him, I love to see them. I can't wait to see the new one! What size did you order????
Here's some pics from my 90 gallon. Thanks again for you input and help with my little eel.
What does go well with eels?
and I was thinking a pair of blue mustangs for sea horses.



I don't think they jump I think it is more like they slither out it is more they are just very exploritory. They probably think is is just another cave opening an opps cave is BIG and has no water :scared: .


they do actually jump, as reefeel said they are looking for security (a cave0 and when they fall down the tank they have a couple hours to be saved or they die.
Great tank i love all the macro and that neat lookin sponge. Moving that to a 300g should be fun. Lots of things to do with a 300g!
unfortunately i dont have pictures because i cleaned up my computer and lost some pic. and video files. The only one i have is when i measured him after he was dead.
As for the size i will be getting it will be about the same, hopefully a little bigger. Im expecting 16-18" but would be happy to see 2'. will post pics.
In a 90g you have many options as what to put w/ it. I will list some:
Toby Puffers
Hawk Fish
Lions(any but russels or V. in a 90g)
Dwarf Angel
Possibly a wrasse
Depends if you want a reef type setup will smaller fish or aggressive do some searches and you should find some good stock lists!
And finally--seahorses
I dont kno much about the mustangs. but if they are CB they should be fine in a 45g. you should ask in the reef forum after you switch tanks
sorry for rambling on............


Active Member
Thankyou, and no problem! I can't wait to see your new tank! Thanks again for you help