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That was the thread that got me thinkng
It looks pretty simple, in theory, but will it hold water in the end.(lol)
300 gallons x 8.5lbs= 2460 with just water in it! what are the usual dimesions fo 300 gallon, I suppose I could look it up on line.....
I like how (I forget the name of the guy)built the stand and tank all together as one. Much more stable.....by building the tank stand first with lots of support for the glass bottom of the tank.
My mom is a stain glass artist, (wonder if she could help me with the drillin)I would like to have a reef drilled tank.....I'm tired of looking at the guts of my tank. I have never had a pre drilled tank. Do you like them??? or do you prefer sumps? :notsure:
Because i keep my tanks pretty simple, i use HOB w/o a sump. But if i were you id go for drilled it would make the sump cheaper to setup because you would not need an overflow. And 300 is a big undertaking. I would start with building a 10g or so to see if you can do it successfully. then build a Very secure, strong and LEVEL stand. like i said 300g is nothing to play around with that could become a flood quite easily.