Are all eels this active?????


Active Member
The little eel seems pretty content now, He was out this evening earlier....looking for a feed. I hand feed him a fat 1 inch silver. He circled my hand a couple times and then took the fish and retreated in the pirate ship for dinner. He hasn't come out since. Cute little munchkin. I bet they grow quick though.

I've been checking tank sizes for 300. most measure 96x24x30,


wow 1 inch is big for a 6 inch eel. must be hungry. mine was 18" or so and didnt like eating anything longer than 4"


Active Member
He must be having a growth spurt LOL, I'd sear he's grown. He's definatey a lot sleeker and filled out now that he's been here for a week now i guess. The little guy was really thin when I first put him in the tank. Only as thick as a he's almost 2 pencils thick!!! and a tad longer, but it's kinda hard to tell length.
We decided to name the little guy Davey Jones. he really seems to like his pirate ship. Sometimes he'll come out and lounge on the deck. Or curl up the mast. When he swims he doesn't zip around as much either, he seems at ease and takes his time cruisin around.
what a beautiful animal! How is your new stuff doing? Did you get your new eel yet?


the eel doesnt come in untill the 22nd or so.
as for my new stuff its doing great but its only been about 12 hours. I started a thread calle O'Naturale in the Pic Forum check it out there are some pics