Are blue mushrooms rare or just hard to find??? Or is it just me?


Active Member
The ricordia seems like you would be getting the raw end of the deal.....I posted at the other site what I might bring......give me a minute and I'll post what I have to trade here.


Active Member
The tongas again since I cut and pasted. :D

This single carnation coral frag at two inches high.....

About four little sun polyp frags.......

I can bust off a little piece of this yellow scroll coral......

I also can crack off some of this pineapple coral if anyone is interested.

I look forward to meeting some of you guys there......:) I just wish I had more to contribute.:(
I am sure we can work something out if you are interested in the Ricordia. I have to admit though that the blue tongas are every bit as nice as the orange ricordia IMO. Even trade polyp for polyp sounds fair to me :)


Active Member
If that's cool with you, then you have a deal. They will be on a rock, just have to see where the rock will break at....the rock has a few points it will snap at.:)


Active Member
:confused: :confused: :confused: Where you at? Four hours?? That's pretty far, but would be fine. Any corals ordered online take longer than that, and I doubt you keep the ******** car temp at 32 degrees.:) You don't want to miss the swap.....from what I hear...100 dollars, and you will leave with 12-15 new corals.:)


Active Member
Damn mods :mad: ......oh wait, never mind......:D Bang, you aren't too far either.....what say you get over here for it as well? I got a zebra moray begging to live with you, but I refuse to frag him.:) I think I'll put up a post for the swap in the trading section. Actually it hasn't even been announced here.:) My appologies to Hairtrigger for going off in his post.