Hello all.
I'm new to the board and I'm sorry but I'm going to start trouble right away. This bubble thing for one got me but ok here it goes. I don't do anything you're suppose too. I don't change the water, I don't check the levels of anything. I have massive amounts of bubbles and my fish live forever! (Except recently after 7 years of even for me very bad care on the tank). I emptied it cleaned everything and I'm starting over. I don't reccomend this anybody please understand all you new people out there everybody/anybody on this site would give you better advise then me,,,,, But heres the story. I did everything they way you should for years, water changes, ph up ph down nitrates etc. Then I got lazy and didn't, nothing happened. Sure I would lose a fish now and then but it was rare. Anyway my theory the tank is pretty big a three sided floor model lava rock glued to the back, an under the gravel filter, and a lifegard cannister chem filter 110 - 125 gals (never could really figure it out due to weird size) and at the most 10-12 fish. Tangs, damsels, wrasse, clowns , cardinals, hawkfish, angels, blemmies. I think the big tank just got in a cycle and took care of itself. Is this possible,,well I know it is because it worked but has anybody else had the same exp? Thanks I'm going to read threds on why bubbles are bad. My filter has a stand pipe comming a third of the way up from the bottom in the middle of the tank, is this enough motion to airate? I don't need bubbles??