Are clownfish considered jumpers?


I was wandering if I need to cover my 10 gallon that my pair of perculas are in. I finally found a pair that is really healthy, and I would like to keep them! Anyways, have any of you guys' clowns ever jumped out of your tank? I have lost my lawnmower in the past from jumping out of the tank and I don't wanna see that ever happen again!? :rolleyes:


one of my percula's jumped out last week. However, I have had alot of experience with clowns and rarely do they ever leap. She wasn't ill or anything like that. My pair of clowns slept at the very top of the water line in the corner of the tank and I'm guessing that one of them got spooked by something and bailed out.


I had not seen my clown in a week or so.I thought something ate him.I was cleaning behind my tank one day and there he was.Well,what was left of him.


one of my clownfish jumped out last sucked because he was part of a mated pair...and I have a cover on half of the tank...I leave it open on the back for gas exchange..