Are hammer corals hard to keep?


Active Member
I was just wondering because they are the only corals I have had trouble with. Both times I tried them they melted within two weeks.


What type of lights? Mine are doing very well under DE MH.


I'm keeping a frogspawn under 384 watts of PC's. They are a 10 inches below the light and are doing well. Frogspawns and hammers are similar, so I would say yes. Just keep it in the top half of your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IIINADAV
I'm keeping a frogspawn under 384 watts of PC's. They are a 10 inches below the light and are doing well. Frogspawns and hammers are similar, so I would say yes. Just keep it in the top half of your tank.

That may be the problem then...I had the hammer in the sand. I have had good luck with my frogspawn, but it's up higher. Would a hammer melt that fast though do to improper lighting?


Active Member
Sure it wasn't contaminated from the start? Mighta been carrying something like a time bomb for when it hit your tank...
Never know; just an idea.
FWIW: I have had a branching hammer for over a month in my sandbed in my 30g with 192W PC over it. It seems to be splitting already and it's colors are comming out very nicely. One head got damaged during shipping it seems and melted away the first couple days in my tank - the other 6 or so are great though =).
Good Luck!


Active Member
I think hammers are one of the easiest and hardiest LPS to keep. They can do fine under medium to strong lighting. However they do like most corals need to be acclimated to new lighting if being placed under something different than where they were.


Active Member
hey .. I had a hammer coral and my Cream (Indian Yellowtail) Angelfish ate it .. you don't have an angelfish do you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think hammers are one of the easiest and hardiest LPS to keep. They can do fine under medium to strong lighting. However they do like most corals need to be acclimated to new lighting if being placed under something different than where they were.
i agree.....hammers, although in the same family as frogspawns, dont need as much light. and they probably wount melt for lack of lighting in two weeks with the lighting you had. I kept mine for months on the bottom a little off center under 192 watts of PC for months before i upgraded to MH. were they under less lighting before? it is possible that you are burning them.


Active Member
Mine has never been anywhere but low in the tank as well (I only have a 30g though 18" tall). PC with long past due bulbs. Has done well from day one.


I have about 250+ watts of PC's and my hammer is doing great, I also agree it needs less light than frogspawn bc i also have one of those....Here is a pic of my 2 hammers (one on the back wall is a branching green and the other is a small rainbow hammer)!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by IIINADAV
Alyssia. What size tank do you have and how much light do you have over it?

75 gallon with 260 watts of PC


Active Member
Originally Posted by GtiGuy
I have about 250+ watts of PC's and my hammer is doing great, I also agree it needs less light than frogspawn bc i also have one of those....Here is a pic of my 2 hammers (one on the back wall is a branching green and the other is a small rainbow hammer)!!!

Very nice hammers!


Active Member
i had my hammer towards the top of my 55g tank under 260w of PC lighting. mine only lived for maybe a month, while everything else is doing great. if anything i might have had too much flow on him ???... so, i`m confused as well...


Active Member
Originally Posted by steve24
i had my hammer towards the top of my 55g tank under 260w of PC lighting. mine only lived for maybe a month, while everything else is doing great. if anything i might have had too much flow on him ???... so, i`m confused as well...

My frogspawn, bubble coral, zoos and shrooms all do okay. :thinking:


forgot to mention that hammers do not like that much flow, as well as frogspawn but my frogspawn is in a higher flow area more so than the hammer and the hammer seems to be doing alot better, (opening up fuller).....