are loins aggressive


New Member
I have a 150 gal tank. looking to add a few fish. I have 1 loinfish,2 damsals , 1 mandrian goby and a few Hermit crabs.will the loin add stress or be aggressive towards other fish. He seems to eat tons and leave the other fish alone. Will this stay the same.On the other hand the 3 spot Damsal is very aggressive,and nips at can I get him out of the tank without breaking down the tank ? Hook and line ,


bang guy

Almost all male loins are agressive, some female loins are agressive as well ... oh!!
YES!! Lions will eat anything moving that can fit in its mouth. Your Damsels are not safe, they will eventually get eaten. The Mandarin may be but probably not. The Lion will probably try and then spit it out. It may still die in the process though.


Yes they are indeed. They live for a long time, they are awesome and they will eat anything that fits in their mouth, if I was you I would look after your goby


Active Member
the damsel, good luck, not an easy task, I geve up after 3 weeks and ripped it apart.
Lions really are not aggressive, but will eat anything they can get(which will fit inot their mouth)
The mandarin as mentioned is prob safe, b/c they are an undesired flavor, but one attempt and it wil die anyhow afterwards.