Are my ClownFish Pairing or Fighting?


I had a pair of tomato clownfish....the male died and was left with the female. The female has been alone in the tank for 1 week...yesterday i bought another tomato...not sure if it was male or female...because it was alone in a small tank at the LFS. It is about 1 inch and a half. I placed it in the tank with the female...and all she does is chase the smaller one this normal? will they pair? i have no seen any "dance" from the smaller tomato....The larger on just chases it around. Should i give them time? or separate?

bang guy

I have no way to know for sure but it looks to me like you have two female Clownfish.
I would return one and buy a very very young clownfish.


New Member
I just got a pair of snowflake clowns yesterday and they seem to be doing fine in my aquarium. though my occelaris has taken a liking to one of my snowflakes. I got them for a deal. They together went for $100, but I got it negotiated down to $45 for both. Isn't that amazing! They are the real ones because they have the blue hue, and jagged edges on the white marks. They're my favorite fish so far!