Are my false percs starving?


I purchased two tank-raised false percs this weekend, and they don't seem to like any of the food I've been offering. I've tried flake, pellet, and frozen brine, all to no avail.
The fish simply swim up to the food and swim right away. They appear to be healthy and hungry as they are constantly swimming around the tank (possibly in search of food?).
According to this website, they should eat flake or pellet. However, when I looked at these guys in the LFS, I noticed several live brine swimming around with them and they were eating the brine. Do you think it's possible that these guys have been conditioned to eat live brine which is why they don't like anything I'm offering? Or are they simply eating the food I place in there at times when I'm not watching them? Any help would be appreciated as I don't want them to starve.
Oh, and water specs are good, so I don't think that is the cause.
Nitrates: 10 ppm
Nitrites: 0
Am: 0
Salt: About 34 ppt or 1.024
PH: around 8.2, maybe a tad lower
They were drip acclimated for about an hour and a half before entering my tank.

bang guy

If they are healthy then they will adjust to their new environment in a week or so & start eating everything you put in there. To the point of starting to beg for food.


Thanks Bang. They appear to be very healthy, I had no idea how much these guys like to roam as most of the clowns I've ever seen basically stayed put around an anemone.
Hopefully they will start to adjust.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
If they are healthy then they will adjust to their new environment in a week or so & start eating everything you put in there. To the point of starting to beg for food.

Hey bang. How did your babies do last winter? Its been a while since I saw an update on your clown baby thread.

bang guy


Originally posted by binxdakat
do they fight?

Nah. They are too many for any to claim territory so they don't fight.


Which one is Nemo?:thinking:
And I thought I had a hard time taking care of 2 of them.... :nervous:
Go Cocks!!!!!!!


GO VOLS!!! :cheer:
I am right there with you rich460. I hated to see them loose to Auburn. My best friend is an Auburn grad. You know that I got an earfull!!!


lol i hear that sailfin what part of tn you live in been looking for people around tn to trade with and buy frags and stuff im new to this you know if knoxville has any reef clubes are any thing like that. you can email me if you cant post them on here team to beat is GA i hope we kick some a##.GO VOLS :cheer:



Originally posted by rich460 you know if knoxville has any reef clubes are any thing like that. the team to beat is GA i hope we kick some a##.GO VOLS :cheer:

I will e-mail you when I get home this evening. I live in Cleveland, BTW. Not to far. There is a guy here who does a lot of tank and pond maintainance in the Knox area. I'll get you his e-mail as well. He is starting to get in some corals and such. Have you heard of the 2500g tank in your neck of the woods? We need to beat GA badly.


cool thanks does he sale ls.i have a ls bed but i want to keep it heathy with diff critters so i want to add like 6oz a mth do keep it stocked.and if we play like we did sat we will lose to GA