are POLY-FILTERS any good????????????



Has anyone heard of Poly-Filters?
and if so what do you think?
a viable carbon replacement?
also, it doesn't really advertise as a mechanical filter but just by its texture/physical makeup it would seem so.
The reason I ask is that at my LFS where I bought my Via-Aqua Multi-Skimmer they ran out of repalcement filter cartriages (floss/carbon) for the thing. A sales guy told me that Poly-filters would actually be much better in there instead.
The poly-filter company says that using them can eliminate the need for a skimmer - this sounds like a bit much but what the heck do I know (except that I have never heard mention of them on this board and everyone has a skimmer!!)
Their web address is

bang guy

I don't know a lot about them but I don't believe them to be a replacement for GAC. They do adsorb many toxic substances like Copper. The advantage is that they will change color depending on the impurity to tell what it was that they adsorbed.
Not a bad thing to have around IMO.


I have used them many many times in the past on my ole 55 gallon. I have tried via email to get them from the company Poly Bio-Marine Inc. and it was a no go with them, strickly to retailers.
Bang if you have some hard data on these I would love to see it. I have always been curious as to what they impregnate them with, I have heard lots of tall tales. What it will actually remove, besides heavy metals, phosphates and such, but will it remove any trace elements as it claims not to. Completely uneffected by the alk an calcium in our seawater. I want to see a study on these things.
Come on Bang give me some data ;) Alright now, no need to post a picture of the star trek guy. :cool:
Oh and yes I read the thread over there as well last week.

bang guy


Originally posted by Thomas712
Come on Bang give me some data ;)

LOL - Go back and read my first 7 words on the subject :p
I have never used them.


there is a LOT of technical data on the web site at the link that i posted

madd catt

I use and they do work at least they do discolor to show that they are working,however if you use one to extract a substance from your water you cannot use it again for standerd filtering,you have too place a new polyfiler in instead.


They work great, although I would not replace the rest of my filtration with them. I always keep one in my sump as an indicator of any problem. As Bang said they change color depending on the impurity they are removing from the water which can be extremely informative.