are there any scavengers that would servive an agressive tank


just out of curiousity are there any scavenger fish or crab etc.... that would survive living in an agressive tank i would like to put a few in my tank but dont think they would live long i have a 240 gal and have
4 nigers trigs
1 red emperor snapper
1 panther grouper
2 pourcupine puffers
1 anglerfish
for {edit: language} & giggles i would like to know


Active Member
Probably not...
But, on another note...your tank's stock list is DEFINATELY not recommended. That tank is way too small for all of those fish...are you planning on upgrading?


nine fish in a 240 is too much? dont think so they all been in there for the past two years and no problems my triggers get along just fine remember they are nigers not queens or undulated or clowns


Ive always kept LARGE hermits, the huge hairy kind, large turbo snails, brittle/serpent stars, and nassarious sand snails. But its more of a guessing game than anything, buy a few things and see whats still there in a week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by turbonut
nine fish in a 240 is too much? dont think so they all been in there for the past two years and no problems my triggers get along just fine remember they are nigers not queens or undulated or clowns
9 fish is not too much, but with the ones you've selected, it is.
Nigers will max out around 16" - 18"...same with Porcs. Panther Groupers will get to be around 24" - 30".
Anglers need a species only tank. You have yours in with much faster, potentially aggressive fish that will eventually eat your angler.


Originally Posted by AW2
9 fish is not too much, but with the ones you've selected, it is.
Nigers will max out around 16" - 18"...same with Porcs. Panther Groupers will get to be around 24" - 30".
Anglers need a species only tank. You have yours in with much faster, potentially aggressive fish that will eventually eat your angler.
my angler is about the size of a softball i dont think anything will be eating him, and whats the odds of any of my fish getting to the size they would get in the wild all of my fish now are in the 7-9 inch range


Active Member
Originally Posted by turbonut
my angler is about the size of a softball i dont think anything will be eating him, and whats the odds of any of my fish getting to the size they would get in the wild all of my fish now are in the 7-9 inch range
If your angler is truly the size of a softball, I'm surprised you havent been seeing missing fish. And, those fish you have WILL reach those sizes if given the proper habitat.
You always hear people say that Volitan Lions wont reach they're adult size of 15" - 17" in captivity but mine is easily 15".


Originally Posted by AW2
If your angler is truly the size of a softball, I'm surprised you havent been seeing missing fish. And, those fish you have WILL reach those sizes if given the proper habitat.
You always hear people say that Volitan Lions wont reach they're adult size of 15" - 17" in captivity but mine is easily 15".
excuse me hes not an angler he an frogfish and as far as my fish getting bigger if they do i will acomadate them properly


Active Member
Actually Angler and Frogfish are the exact same thing.
Do you know what species it is?


i cant find what species he is all i know is that he is big and red i'll take some pic later of him and the tank as soon as the wifey gets back with the digi


New Member
well all know having two nigers will just caus problems with each other but 4 nigers togther they will most likely start a gang and start raping the other fish.


Active Member
I don't think I would have tried to go with a school of nigers. Tangs sure but not triggers.


That's one thing that I've always hated about this's hard to ask for some advice unless you have the PERFECT MOST IDEAL setup for your fish. If not the thread always turns into criticizing the owner saying his setup won't work, or is horrible for the fish, etc...


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoeZ
That's one thing that I've always hated about this's hard to ask for some advice unless you have the PERFECT MOST IDEAL setup for your fish. If not the thread always turns into criticizing the owner saying his setup won't work, or is horrible for the fish, etc...

That's odd, JoeZ, because I havent seen yet where someone has "criticized" the owner of this tank or told him it's "horrible for his fish".
None of us have the "PERFECT MOST IDEAL setup for our fish"...if we did, we'd leave them all in the ocean.
What's going on in this thread is people having different opinions about this gentlemans tank. We're trying to encourage him to do some more research about the certain fish he has. If he has intentions of upgrading his tank, like he says he does, then I have no problem with him keeping those fish in his 240gal. tank.


Active Member
I have two monster hermit crabs that I'll sell to you that will keep your tank clean. They will eat EVERYTHING they can get their claws on.


Originally Posted by AW2
What's going on in this thread is people having different opinions about this gentlemans tank. . We're trying to encourage him to do some more research about the certain fish he has.

Originally Posted by AW2
your tank's stock list is DEFINATELY not recommended. That tank is way too small for all of those fish
Actually this thread is about adding scavengers to an agressive setup...I fail to see anywhere in the original post where he asked about tank size or fish vs fish compatibility.
Topic is what scavengers would survive...I just think everyone needs to stay on topic more on this forum is all. Back to the issue at hand: What scavengers would work best with his setup?
Originally Posted by turbonut

are there any scavengers that would servive an agressive tank


Active Member
I was under the assumption that this was a help forum. If I see something in someones post, whether it's regarding the original post or not, that needs to be addressed...I'm gonna bring it up.
We have been talking about his tank AS WELL AS what scavengers would be suitable.
The original poster said he had plans to upgrade if his fish needed it and that's fine with me.


like i said they've been together for 2 years and no problems ive never ever seen a bit of agression in my trigs yes i know all my fish get big but in the next 6 months to a year i plan on having built a 1000 gal tank to take up an entire wall in my house