Are these bristleworms?



Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I can't see the animal clearly enough. I agree with Ophiura that it's probably some type of Isopod.
As far as large Bristleworms, I believe they are an important part of the cleanup crew. I keep large worms in by fry grow-out tanks because they are very good at cleaning up excess food and detritus.
This one is a lot longer than a foot.
I love the clowns. I heard from this forum you raise them. Thats a great accomplishment. Good job

bang guy

Originally Posted by HermitKrab
Hey Bang do you sell them? Because I like clowns and I bet you raise good clowns. What type are they?
They are Black Ocellaris. I have an exclusive contract with a local fish store so I don't sell them individually anymore.


Hey Bang Guy, Totally loved that pictures of your clowns!!!
Since you're a professional -experienced with raising clowns, have you read a book on mating clowns by a Wilkerson? Do you agree with what is said -- should I buy that book?
Just a little off tangent with this thread -- sorry but I've been searching for a good book on raising clowns. I hope to attempt to within a year!


Active Member
Did you say "fried" fish?
Cool pictures, Bang! BTW do you own stock in "instant ocean" or do they have your picture posted somewhere in their main offices? YOu must go through the stuff.
Anyway, NICE JOb!