Are you a loser if.....


Originally Posted by lovethesea
First of all I would have LOVED to see this.....second of all that receptionist should be my twin, because that is what I would have done had I been with you too.
and no you wouldn't want to see!


awe, my wittle baby's growing up!!! CONGRATS!!! and i LOVE how you call her the "subject" lmao!
and speg, IMO you are a very attractive guy! As for your unsureness of whether your ex thinks you're attractive or not, here's what i have to say: no matter how shallow it seems, people only date people they find attractive. It's natural selection, and nature's way. Just like butterflies. The female looks for a male that is the most brightly colored, most symetrical. This is so she will have beautiful babies. In a way, subconsciously, humans work the same way. I think shallowness is not dating someone because they're ugly, but when you want someone who is attractive, it's just natural. Having said that, your ex obviously found you attractive, otherwise she wouldn't have started dating you in the first place. That's it. don't think about it any other way, and don't say 'well i don't know if she really found me attractive', because frankly, that doesn't matter... out of sight, out of mind. You do have to have more confidence. Just get it set in your mind that every girl finds you attractive, but not in a pricky kinda way. Girls love a guy with confidence, but remember there is a difference between confidence and cockiness...
As for your girl who is "only a friend", i was going to suggest trying to flirt with her, but after reading that she's insanely hot for you, i suggest otherwise... That would just be mean. Do you go out to bars and clubs? if so, select a "subject" (lmao!), and think to yourself "ok this is just for practice, it's not going to go anywhere, and i don't expect her to go for me". Once you get in that mindframe, it should be a piece of cake! you should attempt to talk to a few girls this way, until you feel confident to talk to someone you're really interested in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
awe, my wittle baby's growing up!!! ^

I was going to say that.........and resisted, glad you said it..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
You try to pick up girls off the internet?
My only true relationship that lasted 3 years was brought to me by a AOL chatroom.. and since that breakup i've been once again trying to find chicks on the net :p
I am a pretty shy guy in real life.. and I dont have the charisma? to go right up to a girl and say hey.. you're cute.. lets go out? I am able to say what I want to say here.. without feeling weird/embarassed about it..
My question is... am I a total loser? :)
Does anybody else do this/have the problem I have?
Is there any help for me... =c(
No your not a loser because you have a shy side I met my hubby online 6 yrs ago and I havent killed him yet ;-)
this behavior change is very common among men and women on the internet.internet meetings and dating services are highly used these days because of shyness not having time to get out and socialize meeting new people can be very discouraging to those that do not have an outgoing first impression personality.for example the blind date freinds hook you up you no nothing about this other person and try not to sound retarted or cant find anything in common to speek about there for a 2nd date commonly doesnt happen.the internet has given more oppritunities and people seam to open up more expessing their likes ,dislikes and personal lives more openly than in a face to face discussion or couples do meet in person they know something about the other and tend to relax more on the first encounter. only time its self will tell if you are compatible for long term relations but at least you got the enitial meeting and ackwardsness out of the way.again as I stated your not a loser your human.


Originally Posted by Speg
Actually both of you that gave advice gave very good advice.
I currently found a girl that I used to know from high school and we recently started hanging out. I am not attracted to her even though she is a cute girl... and amazingly enough I can talk to her without being shy one bit.. and thats a big deal for me seeing as how im always shy. She is actually shy around me though because she is very attracted to me... isnt that sad? I dont want her but she wants me.... so sad. Either way I feel this will help boost my confidence when I do find a girl I like......... at least maybe it will :)
Also to the other person that said I need to accept myself and be comfortable with me before anything else also gave great advice. I've been trying to do that... I am very self conscious about my looks. My exgirlfriend told me I was cute and whatever.. but she was probably only being nice because she was stuck with me for so long! Anyways she coulda been trying to be nice right? When she looked funny i'd still tell her how beautiful she was :p lol... dang i'm bad.. anyways! I am currently working on getting to know 'me' and bettering myself physically and mentally.. so... right now i'm not wanting a girlfriend.. but when the time comes hopefully i'll be more comfortable with myself and things will alllllllllllllll work out.
You want a pic fo me? I have a pic I took a few weeks ago that I keep on so here it is.
ps: thanks a lot for the tips - it's greatly appreciated.
Your a good looking guy I would not be afraid of rejection. But dating on the internet is really impersonal and easy to end so try to find someone with the same interests. I like a guy that is not afraid to get somthing on himself when he is eating and make a joke about it. He is out of my league but his down to earth attitude makes him that much more attractive. He doesn't care that he walks out of the place with a huge sauce stain he had a good meal!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by OficeDepot
but i did rise to the occassion, no?
Hmmm, that "subject" really did get to you, didn't she.

Speg-you are such a cutie. Don't you worry anymore if a woman finds you attractive, because if they don't there is something wrong with them. As for the female friend, that is a hard call. Be gentle with her and maybe her crush will subside so you guys can just relax and be friends.


Originally Posted by rberhow
Hmmm, that "subject" really did get to you, didn't she.

as much as i would like to deny that, i can't
and do i know you?? like really


Originally Posted by lovethesea
yes, only after the receptionist lassoed and almost hog tied you to the check out :joy:
it wasn't the check out. we found her in the copy section so we were able to isolate her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by OficeDepot
as much as i would like to deny that, i can't
and do i know you?? like really
Ofice honey, everyone wants to know me.
No really, you need to look back in your past. I obviously wasn't that memorable though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
Hmmm, that "subject" really did get to you, didn't she. .

If you ONLY knew

He's got it bad for her :joy:


Ummm Mr. Ofice when you get a chance can you look over at the Clowns and anenome thread under urchins and anenomes I have a burning question for you. sorry guys to interupt.