Are you a loser if.....


Originally Posted by jdragunas
And another thing, some girls find it incredibly cute when a guy has a problem talking to them. You get all jittery and stuff, they find it flattering because you obviously really like them
i kind of doubt it. i had foam around my mouth and it scared people.


yeah, i was talking to speg... i'll bet you're pretty scary!!! LOL

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by OficeDepot
i kind of doubt it. i had foam around my mouth and it scared people.

They have shot for that. It is called a rabis vacciniation.


Originally Posted by OficeDepot
dr. phill is bald and fat
well, i need to ask this, are you?
if you don't have time for nice men, do you have time for bad men?
Sorry the response is so late but on the weekend i am not computer literate, as to the question about Dr. Phil in San Diego there is a radio show that mocks Dr. Phil and being a P1 loyal to the mickey show I just felt my advise was a little Dr. Philish thats all, but i have lots of hair to make any woman jealous (that's what my hair stylist says) but am short about 5'2 but I would not call my self fat. anyways like i said have the confidence to just ask anyone, making friends first has always been my plan of attack then the rejection is a lot easier.


that is... a sound advice
my problem is, well, the subject and i have no common ground. we don't work together, we don't go to school together. now those situations would make making friends easy. but i don't have the luxary. i have to go in, drop the bombs and hope they don't detonate while i am still there.


Active Member
OK, Speg, I hate to give corny advice but I have to say that as I have gotten older (I'm not that old, BTW) and can look back, it is true. You can't worry about how you stand with the ladies. It is how you stand with yourself that matters. You have to be comfortable in your own skin before anyone will like you as well. Like you said, take time to find out about you, work on just chilling and knowing that you are the best man and any girl would go crazy to get an offer to go out with you. The people that you see that are popular, easy going, and relaxed are the ones that believe in themselves and are confident in their own abilities. And yes, that is why we all hate them so much.
Of course, you could post a pic of yourself and we could all confirm what a cutie you really are and bump that ego up a bit for you as well. Anyways, don't wait for someone to tell you you are terrific. Find out for yourself and then the girls will be flocking all over you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
ah, she knows i'm kidding... me and rberhow go way back...

Hey JD!!! I know you love and missed me and just wanted to let me know.
Poor OficeDepot just doesn't love himself enough to let it show.


i know... i'm trying to work on that with him, but he's too.... oh what's the word.... thick-headed?


Originally Posted by rberhow
Hey JD!!! I know you love and missed me and just wanted to let me know.
Poor OficeDepot just doesn't love himself enough to let it show.

do i know you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by OficeDepot
do i know you?
Life is a mystery and I love to keep people guessing


RB, i didn't realize how much i missed you until this thread...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
Aren't all the male species??? Oops, did I just let that slip. What would they do without us???
Have some piece and quiet and more money.............