Are you a loser if.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by OficeDepot
omg and you called me gay! :hilarious
Well you said Cindy Crawford was ugly..............
I wouldnt mind being gay.. guys are far cooler than girls.. I just cant stand to see a guy get



Active Member
Wait untill college. When you get a girl she will be asking you to buy her stuff, ect.. Just stay with your fish and do what you want to do, besides she may even dump you when you spent lots of money on her. Just my thoughts.


i am going through the same thing actually. the difference is that i actually have a desired target. and yes it's a girl.
i've gone through great length in planning :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by OficeDepot
i am going through the same thing actually. the difference is that i actually have a desired target. and yes it's a girl.
i've gone through great length in planning :cheer:

planning for months now. EXECUTE man, EXECUTE !!!


Active Member
Try this: "I seem to have lost my phone number. May I have yours?"
This is SO corny that it gaurantees a smile, if not laughter. PS Have a good follow up line to let her know you aren't phyco.


Originally Posted by lovethesea
planning for months now. EXECUTE man, EXECUTE !!!
hello love-the-sea. i got lasik for this girl. i am treating my skin for this girl. and it's been weeks! not months. i am executing my plans!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
There are hot chicks everywhere... thats not the problem at all.. the problem I guess is me fearing rejection... and not only that.. but me fearing going up to a chick and even holding a conversation with her :) I'm just a wuss... sometimes I wish I didnt find girls attractive at all so I could focus on more important things.
I never understood this. I hear this alot and not just with dealing with getting a girlfriend or boyfriend. I have spent the last two years gatting my girlfriend to get over her fears of rejection. She hates asking people things. She is afraid to be told no. I don't know why.
M y whole point is this though. The worst that can happen is you are told no. Has your life changed from that point? No it has not. Fear of rejection to me is silly, because if rejected you are still in the same spot you were. You are not WORSE off. Just the same. So there is really nothing to worry about.


you don't have to go right up and say hi, do you wanna go out. start out by saying something funny. small talk is key. when you have an opportunity and they've gotten comfortable enough with you then you just ask them if they want to "hang out" some time. if she says yes get her number!-
BTW- Darthtang that is so true


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I never understood this. I hear this alot and not just with dealing with getting a girlfriend or boyfriend. I have spent the last two years gatting my girlfriend to get over her fears of rejection. She hates asking people things. She is afraid to be told no. I don't know why.
M y whole point is this though. The worst that can happen is you are told no. Has your life changed from that point? No it has not. Fear of rejection to me is silly, because if rejected you are still in the same spot you were. You are not WORSE off. Just the same. So there is really nothing to worry about.

I think the reason some people don't like to have to be told NO because they take the fact of being told NO to as a direct insult. and you will notice that normally people who don't like to be told no also don't like to have to tell others NO. they feel like they will hurt the person's feelings but people have to get over this. sometimes you're going to have to step on a few toes and your toes will be stepped on as well. get over it!
That's how the world is just make sure you wear thicker shoes!


Active Member
Originally Posted by OficeDepot
hello love-the-sea. i got lasik for this girl. i am treating my skin for this girl. and it's been weeks! not months. i am executing my plans!

I got lasik for myself and if I had a skin problem, I would treat it for myself. Not for anyone else.
And I believe its been since before I right?
Be like NIKE.....just do it :joy:


i know. but i like citing it as a reason i am doing all these. it makes me feel... uh.. enlightened? like i've found god :hilarious
my skin problem is mild, but i want to be a pretty face.
oh crap, i didn't realize it all started before thanksgiving!


Active Member
Well.. The fear of rejection comes from how I dont know where I stand with the ladies. I dont know what a girl thinks of me.. am I hot? Cute? Ugly? I dont know. My exgirlfriend said I was 'cute'.. but she could just have been feeling sorry for me. I have issues with myself and it limits me on conversations with chicks.. not only that but I get all 'weird' when I talk with girls anyways... i'm just a loser :p plain and simple!
I am also never in a position to talk to a chick for longer than 1 minute... so i'll be alone :) it's all good. I've got my fish and thats what I enjoy.


Originally Posted by TangMan99
I have never used an internet dating service but I wife's aunt met her husband through a dating service and they are very happily married today. I several couples that have met over the internet and they are very happy. I think it's a cool way to meet people, but I hope I never have to look again. I'm on my second and hopefully last wife.

i hate to do this but, can you do a comparison?


Originally Posted by Speg
Well.. The fear of rejection comes from how I dont know where I stand with the ladies. I dont know what a girl thinks of me.. am I hot? Cute? Ugly? I dont know. My exgirlfriend said I was 'cute'.. but she could just have been feeling sorry for me. I have issues with myself and it limits me on conversations with chicks.. not only that but I get all 'weird' when I talk with girls anyways... i'm just a loser :p plain and simple!
I am also never in a position to talk to a chick for longer than 1 minute... so i'll be alone :) it's all good. I've got my fish and thats what I enjoy.

ok, not all girls have the same taste in guys... so if you're 'cute' to one girl, you may be really sexy to another, and then again really ugly to another. So you shouldn't worry about what they think about you. try this: find a few girls to practice on... ones that you don't plan on dating or anything like that. Then you can start talking to them without the fear of rejection because you're planning on not becoming involved with them. That way, you can gain confidence in talking to girls easily, because you're not so worried about being turned down. Try talking to them as a if they're just one of your friends...
The whole point of dating is to find the one that's right for you. So if one girl thinks your not-so good-looking, it's ok because another will...
And another thing, some girls find it incredibly cute when a guy has a problem talking to them. You get all jittery and stuff, they find it flattering because you obviously really like them... at least i do, anyway!