Are you allowed to do a 9-Pack???


The anemone has been on the move, so I have my blower aimed right at him so he doesn't sting my zoos. I would like to take him out, but it is hard to do without hurting him and my clowns are laying tons of eggs (which I assume are good for the system.)


shrooms and brain which hasn't been doing good. I don't see anyone picking on him. I don't feed him directly b/c the shrimps steal it and he never really holds on...


Curious about the clown fish laying tons of eggs. Do they ever hatch? What happens to the young? This maybe something I would consider trying if being successful isn't that difficult.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kahnsell
#9! :nervous:

LOL....Nice pics. and great looking tank.

I admire your persistence and patience! :happy: :happy:


She lays new eggs every couple of weeks. I saw them hatch once when I woke up in the middle of the night. Babies were everywhere!!! But they were all sucked into the filter or eaten by the fish and corals. I'm sure it is possible to raise them, but I imagine you would need to separate them immediately. I have no desire to try. I have my hands full already...


Thanks for the response. I think it would be fun to try and raise them. Great store credit at the fish store. Less money out of ones pocket for supplies.
When they lay eggs next time, I'd be glad to pay for shipping supplies and shipping if you'd be interested in sending them to me unhatched or newly hatched.



Originally posted by JustAQTCub
Thanks for the response. I think it would be fun to try and raise them. Great store credit at the fish store. Less money out of ones pocket for supplies.
When they lay eggs next time, I'd be glad to pay for shipping supplies and shipping if you'd be interested in sending them to me unhatched or newly hatched.

Someone did a big long thread about how to do this, it seems a little complicated, but it can be done. Takes time and patience. Lemme see if I can find it again, it was great, great detail. :)