If you live in the US forget about an Asian aro. They are illegal. Some countires in Europe also enforce the ban.
They are an endangered CITES 1 species.
Even though there are farmed/tagged aros for sale, the law does not distinguish between those and the wild ones. Big time fines and jail time if you get caught with one. Even if you do find a dealer (there are a lot but it takes time to gain their trust) you better know what you are buying. There are Reds, Chili Reds, Red Tail Golds, Crossbacks, etc. You can get burned bigtime if you just ask for a "red".
Check arofanatics.com for info on the Asian aros.
Oh, one more thing. Expect to pay between $1500 and $2500 US for average quality on these types and they will only be about 4 inches long. Higher quality raises the price considerably.
Platinums can go for $150,000 US.
The cheapest ones are the greens.
Illegal fish cost big bucks due to the risk involved.